[hpc-announce] Deadline extended - The 4th International Workshop on Data Reduction for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD-4) in Conjunction with SC'18

Liu, Qing qing.liu at njit.edu
Fri Sep 14 10:04:00 CDT 2018

Please note that the deadline for paper submission is extended to
10/5/2018, anywhere on earth. For more details of the workshop, please


 DRBSD-4 Organizing Committee
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2018 at 2:51 AM, Liu, Qing <qing.liu at njit.edu> wrote:
>> We are very pleased and honored to announce the keynote talks by Drs.
>> Lucy Nowell and Laura Biven from Advanced Scientific Computing
>> Research (ASCR) at US Department of Energy. More details about their
>> talks will follow shortly.
>> We also would like to take this opportunity to welcome your
>> submissions and participation at the workshop. If you have any
>> questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
>> Call for Papers
>> The 4th International Workshop on Data Reduction for Big Scientific
>> Data (DRBSD-4)
>> in Conjunction with SC’18
>> Nov 11th, 2018
>> Dallas, TX
>> https://web.njit.edu/~qliu/drbsd4.html
>> As the speed gap between compute and storage continues to exist and
>> widen, the increasing data volume and velocity pose major challenges
>> for big data applications in terms of storage and analysis. This
>> demands new research and software tools that can further reduce data
>> by several orders of magnitude, taking advantage of new architectures
>> and hardware available on next generation systems. This international
>> workshop on data reduction is a response to this renewed research
>> direction and will provide a focused venue for researchers in this
>> area to present their research results, exchange ideas, identify new
>> research directions, and foster new collaborations within the
>> community.
>> Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
>> * Application use-cases which can drive the community to develop MiniApps
>> * Data reduction methods for scientific data including:
>> * Data deduplication methods
>> * Motif-specific methods (structured and unstructured meshes,
>> particles, tensors, …)
>> * Optimal design of data reduction methods
>> * Methods with accuracy guarantees
>> * Metrics to measure reduction quality and provide feedback
>> * Data analysis and visualization techniques that take advantage of
>> the reduced data
>> * Hardware and data co-design
>> * Accuracy and performance trade-offs on current and emerging hardware
>> * New programming models for managing reduced data
>> * Runtime systems for data reduction
>> Important Dates
>> Paper Deadline: September 15th, 2018 (AoE)
>> Author Notification: September 30th, 2018
>> Submissions
>> Papers should be submitted electronically on SC Submission Website.
>> * Paper submission must be in IEEE format.
>> http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
>> * Paper submissions are required to be within 5 pages excluding references.
>> Submitted papers will be evaluated by at least 3 reviewers based upon
>> technical merits.
>> --
>> 973-596-3526
> --
> 973-596-3526


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