[hpc-announce] CORRECTION: CFP: P-RECS'18 Submissions due *April 9*

Carlos Maltzahn carlosm at ucsc.edu
Fri Mar 30 12:56:50 CDT 2018

# P-RECS '18 CFP

First International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of 
Computer Systems.

June 11, 2018. In conjunction with HPDC'18 <http://hpdc.org/2018/ <http://hpdc.org/2018/>>. In 
cooperation with SIGHPC (pending).

Independent evaluation of experimental results in the area of computer 
and networking systems is a challenging task. Recreating the 
environment where an experiment originally ran is commonly considered 
impractical or even impossible. This workshop will focus heavily on 
practical, actionable aspects of reproducibility in broad areas of 
computational science and data exploration, with special emphasis on 
issues in which community collaboration can be essential for adopting 
novel methodologies, techniques and frameworks aimed at addressing 
some of the challenges we face today. The workshop will bring together 
researchers and experts to share experiences and advance the state of 
the art in the reproducible evaluation of computer systems, featuring 
contributed papers and invited talks.

## Topics

We expect submissions from topics such as, but not limited to:

 * Experiment dependency management.
 * Software citation and persistence.
 * Data versioning and preservation.
 * Provenance of data-intensive experiments.
 * Tools and techniques for incorporating provenance into publications.
 * Automated experiment execution and validation.
 * Experiment portability for code, performance, and related metrics.
 * Experiment discoverability for re-use.
 * Cost-benefit analysis frameworks for reproducibility.
 * Usability and adaptability of reproducibility frameworks into already-established domain-specific tools.
 * Long-term artifact archiving for future reproducibility.
 * Frameworks for sociological constructs to incentivize paradigm shifts.
 * Policies around publication of articles/software.
 * Blinding and selecting artifacts for review while maintaining history.
 * Reproducibility-aware computational infrastructure.

## Submission

Submit via EasyChair 
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=precs18 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=precs18>>. We look for two 
categories of submissions:

 * **Position papers**. This category is for papers whose goal is to 
   propose solutions (or scope the work that needs to be done) to 
   address some of the issues outlined above. We hope that a research 
   agenda comes out of this and that we can create a community that 
   meets yearly to report on our status in addressing these problems.

 * **Experience papers**. This category consists of papers reporting 
   on the authors' experience in automating one or more 
   experimentation pipelines. The committee will look for submissions 
   reporting on their experience: what worked? What aspects of 
   experiment automation and validation are hard in your domain? What 
   can be done to improve the tooling for your domain? As part of the 
   submission, authors need to provide a URL to the automation 
   service they use (e.g., [TravisCI](https://travis-ci.org <https://travis-ci.org/>), 
   [GitLabCI](https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ci/ <https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ci/>), 
   [CircleCI](https://circleci.com <https://circleci.com/>), 
   [Jenkins](https://jenkins-ci.org <https://jenkins-ci.org/>), etc.) so reviewers can verify 
   that there is one or more automated pipelines associated to the 

### Format

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts in English not exceeding 5 
pages of content. The 5-page limit includes figures, tables and 
appendices, but does not include references, for which there is no 
page limit. Submissions must use the [ACM Master 
Template](https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template <https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template>) 
(please use the `sigconf` format with default options).

### Proceedings

The proceedings will be archived in both the ACM Digital Library and 
IEEE Xplore through SIGHPC.

### Tools

These tools can be optionally used used to automate your experiments: 
[CWL](http://commonwl.org <http://commonwl.org/>), 
[Popper](https://github.com/systemslab/popper <https://github.com/systemslab/popper>), 
[ReproZip](http://reprozip.org <http://reprozip.org/>), [Sciunit](http://sciunit.run <http://sciunit.run/>), 
[Sumatra](https://github.com/open-research/sumatra <https://github.com/open-research/sumatra>).

## Important Dates

 * Submissions due: April 9, 2018
 * Acceptance notification: April 30, 2018
 * Camera-ready paper submission: May 6, 2018
 * Workshop: June 11, 2018

## Organizers

 * Ivo Jimenez, UC Santa Cruz
 * Carlos Maltzahn, UC Santa Cruz
 * Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratories

## Program Committee

 * Divyashri Bhat, UMass Amherst
 * Michael Crusoe, Project Lead, Common Workflow Language project
 * Anja Feldmann, TU Berlin
 * Todd Gamblin, LLNL
 * Mike Heroux, Sandia National Laboratories
 * Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zürich
 * Neil Chue Hong, Software Sustainability Institute / University of 
   Edinburgh, UK
 * Dan Katz, NCSA
 * Kate Keahey, Argonne National Lab / ChameleonCloud
 * Ignacio Laguna, LLNL
 * Arnaud Legrand, Bâtiment IMAG
 * Reed Milewicz, Sandia National Laboratories
 * Robert Ricci, University of Utah / CloudLab
 * Victoria Stodden, UIUC
 * Violet R. Syrotiuk, ASU
 * Michela Taufer, University of Delaware
 * Michael Zink, UMass Amherst

## Contact

Please address workshop questions to <ivo at cs.ucsc.edu <mailto:ivo at cs.ucsc.edu>>.
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