[hpc-announce] Call for Tutorials - SC17, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 

Bennett, Janine Camille jcbenne at sandia.gov
Mon Mar 13 14:51:45 CDT 2017

SC17, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 
Call for Tutorials 

Submissions due: April 17, 2017 (11:59 pm Anywhere on Earth)

Context and scope: 
The SC tutorials program is one of the highlights of the SC Conference series, and it is one of the largest tutorial programs at any computing-related conference in the world. It offers attendees the chance to learn from and to interact with leading experts in the most popular areas of high performance computing (HPC), networking, and storage.

SC tutorials cover a wide range of topics. The tutorials committee is soliciting proposals for full-day (six hours) or a half-day (three hours) tutorials on topics in the following areas (as well as others):
• Basic and introductory topics for expanding broader engagement
• Applications and application frameworks
• Algorithms, numerical methods, and libraries
• Software engineering for portable performance and scalability
• Parallel programming methods, models, languages and environments
• Software tools for accelerators (co-processors, GPGPUs, FPGA, etc.)
• Algorithmic, tools and runtime support for heterogeneous systems
• Performance evaluation and/or optimization tools
• Debugging and correctness tools
• High performance I/O, storage, archive, and file systems
• Scalable data mining and machine learning
• High performance networking technology
• Scientific and information visualization
• Systems, tools and techniques for energy efficiency
• Large systems administration and/or resource management
• Computer and network security
• Fault-tolerance, reliability, maintainability, and adaptability
• High performance computer architecture
• Clusters and distributed systems
• Embedded- and/or reconfigurable systems
• “Hot Topics” of current interest to the SC17 community

Review Process: 
Submissions will be reviewed by the SC17 tutorials committee, which will consider among other factors:
• Insights offered, in breadth and/or depth
• Quality of the proposal (clarity, completeness, and cohesiveness of the proposal, quality of the visual aids)
• Relevance for the SC17 audience and appropriateness for a tutorial
• Timeliness of the topic
• Potential audience appeal
• Presentation history and teaching/speaking experience of the presenters
• For “hands-on” tutorials, evidence that demos or live exercises have been thoroughly tested

Additional information, including guidelines for proposal preparation and details regarding honoraria and support, can be found at: http://sc17.supercomputing.org/submitters/tutorials/

Submission Deadline: April 17, 2017 (auto-one-week extension to April 24, 11:59pm anywhere on earth)
Conditional Notification: June 15, 2017
Conference Dates: November 12-17, 2017
Tutorial Dates: November 12-13, 2017

Be sure to send your questions well in advance of the April 17, 2017 deadline for submitting tutorial proposals.

Web Submissions: https://submissions.supercomputing.org/
Email Contact: tutorials at info.supercomputing.org

SC17 Tutorials Chair
Hank Childs, University of Oregon
SC17 Tutorials Vice-Chair
Janine Bennett, Sandia National Laboratories

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