[hpc-announce] EuroMPI/USA 2017 Early Call for Posters

Marc-André Hermanns m.a.hermanns at fz-juelich.de
Wed Feb 22 04:43:46 CST 2017

*** EuroMPI/USA 2017: Early Call for Posters

The 24th European MPI Users' Group Meeting
September 25-28, 2017
Twitter: @eurompiconf


EuroMPI is the preeminent meeting for users, developers and
researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications
of message-passing parallel computing, in particular in and related to
the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

EuroMPI/USA 2017 will continue to focus on not just MPI, but also
extensions or alternative interfaces for high-performance
homogeneous/heterogeneous/hybrid systems, benchmarks, tools, parallel
I/O, fault tolerance, and parallel applications using MPI and other
interfaces. Through the presentation of contributed papers, poster
presentations and invited talks, attendees will have the opportunity
to share ideas and experiences to contribute to the improvement and
furthering of message-passing and related parallel programming paradigms.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Implementation Issues
- MPI implementation issues and improvements towards exascale
computing, such as manycores, GPGPU, and heterogeneous architectures.
- Interaction between message-passing software and hardware, in
particular new high-performance architectures.
- New MPI-IO mechanisms and I/O stack optimizations.
* Programming Models
- Extensions to and shortcomings of MPI.
- Hybrid and heterogeneous programming with MPI and other interfaces.
- MPI support for data-intensive parallel applications.
- Fault tolerance in message-passing implementations and systems.
- New programming paradigms implemented over MPI, like hierarchical
programming and global address spaces
- MPI parallel programming in clouds.
* Applications and Performance
- Performance evaluation for MPI and MPI-based applications.
- Automatic performance tuning of MPI applications and implementations.
- Verification of message-passing applications and protocols.
- Applications using message passing, in particular in computational
science and scientific computing.
- Parallel algorithms in the message-passing paradigm.
- MPI applications performance on clouds.

Tentative Dates

Posters submissions due date: June 30, 2017
Posters author notification date: August 4, 2017
Conference dates: September 25-28, 2017
Poster session: September 26, 2017

Submission Instructions

Poster submissions should be submitted to the conference submission
site and will consist of:
- A short abstract (175 word maximum)
- An extended abstract (2 pages maximum, including figures and
  references, and formatted according to the "sigconf" style in the
ACM 2017 Template)
- A poster draft. Note that complete results are not necessary. It is
  acceptable to have placeholders for last-minute results.

EuroMPI/USA 2017 Posters Chair:
Kathryn Mohror, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

EuroMPI/USA 2017 Posters Committee:
- Alice Koniges, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Ana Gainaru, Mellanox Technologies
- Hideyuki Jitsumoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Jean-Baptiste Besnard, ParaTools SAS
- Naoya Maruyama, RIKEN AICS
- Olga Pearce, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Xiang Ni, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Marc-Andre Hermanns
Jülich Aachen Research Alliance,
High Performance Computing (JARA-HPC)
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

52425 Jülich

Phone: +49 2461 61 2509 | +49 241 80 24381
Fax: +49 2461 80 6 99753
email: m.a.hermanns at fz-juelich.de

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