[hpc-announce] Deadline Extension: Graph Algorithm Building Blocks (GABB) Workshop

Aydin Buluc abuluc at lbl.gov
Fri Jan 22 13:40:10 CST 2016

[Apologies if you received multiple copies of this announcement]

We are extending the submission deadline by *one week*, upon requests. This
is the only extension we will be able to give.

*Graph Algorithm Building Blocks (GABB) 2016An IEEE IPDPS 2016
Workshop, May 23, 2016, Chicago, Illinois, USA*

=== Scope and Goals ===

The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, introduced over 30 years ago, had a
transformative effect on software for linear algebra. With the BLAS,
researchers spend less time mapping algorithms onto specific features of
hardware platforms and more time on interesting new algorithms.

Would it be practical to define an analogous set of basic building blocks
for graph algorithms?  Can we define a core set of mathematical primitives
from which we can build most (if not all) important graph algorithms? If we
can agree on the mathematical foundations, how would these interact with
the data structures used in graph algorithms and result in an API the graph
algorithms research community could support?

These questions will be the topic for the second “Graph Algorithms Building
Blocks” workshop.  Our goal is an interactive workshop where the full range
of issues behind “Graph Algorithms Building Blocks” will be explored.   We
want an interactive “workshop” so papers that report preliminary results
and unproven but interesting ideas will also be considered.

=== Submission and Dates ===

Submitted manuscripts may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced double-column
pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11-inch pages (IEEE conference
style), including figures, tables, and references (see IPDPS Call for
Papers for more details). Papers shorter than 10 pages are welcome. All
papers will be peer-reviewed. Proceedings of the workshops are distributed
at the conference and are submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library after the conference.

*Important dates: *

paper submissions due *Jan 29, 2016 **EST Midnight (updated)*

author notification: Feb 12, 2016 (updated)

camera-ready due Feb 26, 2016.

- Workshop web page: http://graphanalysis.org/workshop2016.html

- Submission page (EDAS):  <http://goog_136467033/>

=== Program Committee ===

Tim Mattson, Intel Corp. (Chair)

David A. Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology

Jonathan Berry, Sandia National Labs

Aydın Buluç, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

John Gilbert, UC Santa Barbara

Jeremy Kepner, MIT Lincoln  Labs

Chris Long, US Department of Defense

Kamesh Madduri, Penn State University

Henning Meyerhenke, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
John Owens, University of California, Davis
Fabrizio Petrini, IBM
Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv University
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