[hpc-announce] CFP: Deadline Extension for LSPP 2016

Barker, Kevin J Kevin.Barker at pnnl.gov
Wed Jan 20 16:29:12 CST 2016

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies]

Call for papers:      Workshop on LARGE-SCALE PARALLEL PROCESSING

               to be held in conjunction with
IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
                     Chicago, Illinois, USA
                      May 27th, 2016

**NEW** SUBMISSION DEADLINE:  January 28th, 2016


The workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing is a forum that
focuses on computer systems that utilize thousands of processors
and beyond. Large-scale systems, referred to by some as
extreme-scale and Ultra-scale, have many important research
aspects that need detailed examination in order for their
effective design, deployment, and utilization to take place.
These include handling the substantial increase in multi-core
on a chip, the ensuing interconnection hierarchy, communication,
and synchronization mechanisms. Increasingly this is becoming an
issue of co-design involving performance, power and reliability
aspects. The workshop aims to bring together researchers from
different communities working on challenging problems in this
area for a dynamic exchange of ideas. Work at early stages of
development as well as work that has been demonstrated in
practice is equally welcome.

Of particular interest are papers that identify and analyze novel
ideas rather than providing incremental advances in the following

- LARGE-SCALE SYSTEMS : exploiting parallelism at large-scale,
  the coordination of large numbers of processing elements,
  synchronization and communication at large-scale, programming
  models and productivity

  novel systems, the use of processors in memory (PIMS),
  parallelism in emerging technologies, future trends.

- MULTI-CORE : utilization of increased parallelism on a single
  chip (MPP on a chip such as the Cell and GPUs), the possible
  integration of these into large-scale systems, and dealing with
  the resulting hierarchical connectivity.

- MONITORING, ANALYSIS AND MODELING : tools and techniques for
  gathering performance, power, thermal, reliability, and other
  data from existing large scale systems, analyzing such data
  offline or in real time for system tuning, and modeling of
  similar factors in projected system installations.

- ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Techniques, strategies, and experiences
  relating to the energy management and optimization of
  large-scale systems.

- APPLICATIONS : novel algorithmic and application methods,
  experiences in the design and use of applications that scale to
  large-scales, overcoming of limitations, performance analysis
  and insights gained.

- WAREHOUSE COMPUTING: dealing with the issues in advanced
  datacenters that are increasingly moving from co-locating many
  servers to having a large number of servers working cohesively,
  impact of both software and hardware designs and optimizations
  to achieve best cost-performance efficiency.

Results of both theoretical and practical significance will be
considered, as well as work that has demonstrated impact at
small-scale that will also affect large-scale systems. Work may
involve algorithms, languages, various types of models, or


Papers should not exceed eight single-space pages (including
figures, tables and references) using a 10-point font on 8.5x11
inch pages. Submissions in PostScript or PDF should be made
using EDAS (www.edas.info<http://www.edas.info/>). Informal enquiries can be made to
Kevin.Barker at pnnl.gov. Submissions will be judged on correctness,
originality, technical strength, significance, presentation
quality and appropriateness. Submitted papers should not have
appeared in or under consideration for another venue.


Submission deadline:  January 28th  2016 ** Extended **
Notification of acceptance:  February 14th  2016
Camera-Ready Papers due:  February 26th  2016



Kevin J. Barker               Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Eric Van Hensbergen       ARM, USA
Chris Carothers               Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA


Pavan Balaji            Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Laura Carrington        San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
I-Hsin Chung            IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab, USA
Tim German              Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Georg Hager             University of Erlangen, Germany
Simon Hammond           Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Martin Herbordt         Boston University, USA
Daniel Katz             University of Chicago, USA
Celso Mendes            University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne
Phil Roth               Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Jose Sancho             Barcelona Supercomputer Center, USA
Gerhard Wellein         University of Erlangen, Germany
Ulrike Yang             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Workshop Webpage: http://hpc.pnl.gov/conf/LSPP/

Kevin J. Barker
Modeling and Simulation Team Lead
High Performance Computing Group
Advanced Computing, Mathematics, and Data Division
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
(509) 375-6743
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