[hpc-announce] ASCETiC Project Workshop (First Workshop on Tools for Energy Efficient Cloud Computing CFP)

Raül Sirvent Raul.Sirvent at bsc.es
Wed Jan 20 10:49:50 CST 2016

First Workshop on Tools for Energy Efficient Cloud Computing CFP

The ASCETiC project is hosting a workshop at CLOSER [1] and SMARTGREENS 
[2] conferences on April 23^rd -25^th :

*First Workshop on Tools for Energy Efficient Cloud Computing*[3].

We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the workshop and 
participate!  Please see the CFP for more details [4].  Deadline is 
January 29th.

The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss the 
latest advanced on energy efficient clouds. Special focus will be on 
novel methods and tools to support software developers to optimize 
energy efficiency and minimize the carbon footprint at the different 
layers of a Cloud stack.

A non-exhaustive list of the topics of interest for the workshop is:

·Requirements engineering of energy-aware cloud-based applications

·Design modelling of energy-aware cloud-based applications

·Energy-oriented tooling for Cloud developers

·Cloud computing patterns

·Energy aware cloud service life cycle

·Energy aware programming

·Energy aware Modelling

·Cloud Programming Models

·Green Service Level Agreements

·Self-adaptive cloud architectures

·Infrastructure management

·Energy aware storage/network management

[1] CLOSER conference: _http://closer.scitevents.org/Workshops.aspx#TEEC_

[2] SMARTGREENS conference: _http://www.smartgreens.org/_

[3] ASCETiC workshop: _http://ascetic-project.eu/content/ascetic-workshop_

[4] Workshop CFP: _http://ascetic-project.eu/content/ascetic-workshop-cfp_

Raül Sirvent, PhD
Senior Researcher - Workflows and Distributed Computing
Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación
C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3, Campus Nord UPC
Edifici K2M, Despatx 107A
E-08034, Barcelona (Spain)
Phone: +34 934137732	Fax: +34 934137721
Homepage: http://personals.ac.upc.edu/rsirvent/

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