[hpc-announce] High Performance Graph Mining workshop

Dario Garcia dario.garcia at bsc.es
Tue May 12 09:35:04 CDT 2015

Dear Colleague,

the computation of large scale graphs represents a novel challenge both 
for the HPC and the Data Mining (DM) communities. The potential benefits 
of exploiting these large networks are huge, but successful research 
requires a cooperative approach. To promote the collaboration between 
those who know what to do (DM researchers) and those who know what can 
be done and how (HPC researchers), we propose the 1st High Performance 
Graph Mining workshop. A workshop strongly oriented towards discussion 
and cooperation.

The 1st High Performance Graph Mining workshop (HPGM2015) will be 
co-located with the 21st on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 
in Sydney, Australia, on August 10th. This is a great opportunity to 
showcase your basic and applied research on High Performance Graph 
Mining, and to get in touch with top researchers from the High 
Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Graph Mining 

/Keynote Speakers/

We are proud to announce Jure Leskovec (Stanford AI Lab) and Katsuki 
Fujisawa (Kyushu University) as keynote speakers for the HPGM'15.
We will announce the participants of the panel session in the next few 
/Call for papers/

  *      The submission deadline is on June 5, 11:59 PM Pacific Standard
  *      Submissions must be made in PDF format to
  *      All papers will be peer reviewed, single-blinded.
  *      Notification deadline is on June 30, 11:59 PM Pacific Standard
  *      For accepted papers, at least one author must attend the
    workshop to present the work.

/Topics of Interest/

The topics of interest of the HPGM'15 include, but are not limited to:

  *      Graph-specific parallel programming models
  *      Optimization of traditional parallel programming models for the
    computation of large-scale graphs
  *      HPC tools for the efficient representation and distribution of
    graph data and algorithms.
  *      Design of scalable graph mining algorithms
  *      Parallelization and evaluation of graph mining tasks using HPC
    tools and infrastructure
  *      Successful/relevant use cases on the mining of large network

/Type of Papers/

Since HPGM is an emerging field, we encourage all kinds of submissions:

  *      Novel research papers
  *      Work-in-progress papers
  *      Position papers
  *      Visionary papers
  *      Demo papers

Authors should indicate in their abstracts the kind of submission that 
the paper belongs to, to help reviewers better understand their 
/Submission Format/

  *      Submissions must be made in PDF format to
  *      Submissions must be no more than 8 pages long — shorter papers
    are welcome — including references, diagrams, and appendices, if
    any. The required format is the standard double column ACM
    Proceedings Template, Tighter Alternate style.

/Workshop chairs/

  * Toyotaro Suzumura (IBM Research)
  * Ulises Cortés (UPC - Barcelona TECH / Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

/Programme chair/

  * Dario Garcia-Gasulla (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

hpgm at bsc.es <mailto:hpgm at bsc.es>
hpgm.bsc.es <http://hpgm.bsc.es>

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