[hpc-announce] HPCA 2016: Call for Papers, Workshops and Tutorials

Augusto J Vega ajvega at us.ibm.com
Mon Jul 13 10:40:34 CDT 2015

                                  HPCA 2016
 22nd IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer 

                               CALL FOR PAPERS
         Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message

March 12-16 2016 - Barcelona, Spain (collocated with PPoPP-2016 and 

Website: http://hpca22.site.ac.upc.edu/


The IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
(HPCA) provides a high-quality forum for scientists and engineers to 
their latest research findings in this rapidly changing field. Authors are
invited to submit papers on all aspects of high-performance computer

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 - Processor, cache, and memory architectures
 - Parallel computer architectures
 - Multicore architectures
 - Impact of technology on architecture
 - Power-efficient architectures and techniques
 - Dependable/secure architectures
 - High-performance I/O systems
 - Embedded and reconfigurable architectures
 - Interconnect and network interface architectures
 - Architectures for cloud-based HPC and data centers
 - Innovative hardware/software trade-offs
 - Impact of compilers and system software on architecture
 - Performance modeling and evaluation
 - Architectures for emerging technology and applications

Authors should submit an abstract by Friday, September 4, 2015, 5pm EDT. 
should submit the full version of the paper by Friday, September 11, 2015,
5pm EDT. No requests for extensions will be granted. The full version 
be a PDF file that follows the submission guidelines, which will be 
at the submission website. Papers should be submitted for double-blind 
We anticipate selecting a Best Paper award. All papers will be evaluated 
on their novelty, fundamental insights, experimental evaluation, and 
for long-term impact.

Important Dates:

 - Abstract submission deadline:      4 September 2015, 5pm EDT
 - Paper submission deadline:         11 September 2015, 5pm EDT
 - Rebuttal period:                   28-30 October 2015
 - Paper notification of acceptance:  9 November 2015


The IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
(HPCA) is seeking proposals for workshops and tutorials to accompany the
conference. Workshops and tutorials will be held on Saturday-Sunday, March
12-13, and may be a half day or a full day in length. We encourage members 
the community to consider submitting proposals for workshops and tutorials
that bring together researchers and practitioners working on research 
of significant current interest to the HPCA community. Prospective 
and tutorial organizers are invited to submit proposals in PDF of no more
than two pages to the workshop and tutorials chair Carole-Jean Wu, via 
carole-jean.wu at asu.edu.

Submission details:

 - Deadline for submission:           14 September 2015, 11:59pm EDT
 - Notification of acceptance:        14 October 2015

For workshops, please include in your proposal:

 - Title of the workshop
 - Organizers and their affiliations
 - Sample call for papers, including the workshop?s main topics and URL
 - Expected duration of the workshop: 1/2 day or full day
 - For previously held workshops, the number of papers and attendees at 
   last workshop

For tutorials, please include in your proposal:

 - Title of the tutorial
 - Organizers, presenters, and their affiliations
 - Abstract of the tutorial, including objectives, target audience, and
   prerequisite knowledge
 - List of topics to be covered and URL to the tutorial web page
 - Expected duration of the tutorial: 1/2 day or full day
 - For previously held tutorials, the location (i.e., which conference),
   date, and number of attendees at the last tutorial

Selection committee:

The workshop proposals will be evaluated by members of the HPCA 2016
organizing committee. Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society TC on 
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