[hpc-announce] [ContextQoS 2015] CFP
patrick-benjamin.boek at tu-dortmund.de
patrick-benjamin.boek at tu-dortmund.de
Sun Jan 11 16:25:38 CST 2015
We apologize for multiples copies. Please circulate this CFP among your colleagues and students.
[ContextQoS 2015] 5th International Workshop on Context-aware Quality of Service Engineering and Management for Cyber Physical Systems Emerging Networks, Applications and Services
Important Dates
Abstract due: February 19th, 2015
Paper due: February 26th, 2015
Author Notification: April 13th, 2015
Camera-ready due: May 8th, 2015
In conjunction with 24th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2015 from August 3 - 6, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV, USA!
ICCCN is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society. The Proceedings of the ICCCN 2015 has already been accepted in the IEEE Conference Publication Program. Workshop papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be EI indexed.
For more information: http://www.contextqos.org
Context-aware QoS provisioning and management (also known as context-aware performance engineering) has many facets and most of the time novel tailored schemes are required to provide an appropriate level of QoS for different types of networks, applications and services.
The provisioning of a certain level of QoS according to the requirements of an entire context can hardly be accomplished in special networks, e. g. for Advanced Manufacturing, using traditional QoS provisioning and management schemes because these do not account for the requirements introduced by the new dynamic networks and applications. The definition of a certain level of QoS using the traditional models is just driven by technical aspects of the running applications. Novel context-aware schemes have to be developed to cope with the challenges given by these special networks. These must account for the dynamic requirements and ideally allow to permit system-independent usage.
Advanced Manufacturing is only one example for a new type of network that has to face special requirements. Context-awareness is required in several types of networks and for different types of applications and services. All of these are different. E.g., the occurring network traffic in Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks cannot be compared to network traffic of a corporate Intra-Network. Each of them have different constraints and demands that should be covered by a context-aware QoS provisioning and management system. This workshop, among other things, wants to bring together researchers to present and discuss novel approaches and solutions as well as recent results in this area of research, e.g. specially designed for Advanced Manufacturing, Cloud and Grid Computing, Wireless Mesh Networks, Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Wireless and Mobile Sensor Networks, Private Home Networks as well as other types of Cyber Physical Systems and Networks.
Technical Topics
* Performance engineering for Advanced Manufacturing
* QoS for mission critical communications
* Recognition of performance relevant context-patterns
* Context-pattern transformation for QoS provisioning
* Autonomous context-aware traffic classification
* Concepts for achieving transparency to co-existing QoS mechanisms
* Security and privacy of context-aware QoS approaches
* Control protocols for distributed QoS provisioning and management
* Performance-driven routing protocols and algorithms
* Cross-platform QoS control
* Context-dependent energy management
* Cognitive QoS patterns in multi-agent systems
* Implementation of context-aware QoS-drivers and middlewares
* Concepts for usage of context-aware QoS approaches
* Performance analysis of context-aware QoS approaches
* Real-Time concepts for context-aware QoS control
* Context-aware transmit power control
* and all other topics not named at this point, but belonging to the main topic of this workshop
Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font) and must be submitted via Easychair as PDF files (formatted for 8.5×11-inch paper). The manuscripts should be no longer than 5 pages. One additional page is permitted if the authors are willing to pay an over-length charge at the time of publication (manuscripts should not exceed 6 pages). Submitted papers cannot have been previously published in or be under consideration for publication in another journal or conference. The workshop Program Committee reserves the right to not review papers that either exceed the length specification or have been submitted or published elsewhere. Submissions must include a title, abstract, keywords, author(s) and affiliation(s) with postal and e-mail address(es). The paper must be registered on and submitted to Easychair by the deadline. The paper title and author name list/order cannot be changed during the final camera-ready submission. All authors of a paper must be registered in the RIGHT order at the SUBMISSION TIME and cannot be changed after the submission due time.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the workshop Program Committee and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation. An accepted paper must be presented at the ICCCN 2015 venue by one of the authors registered at the full registration rate.
Accepted and registered workshop papers will be published in proceedings of the ICCCN 2015 that has already been accepted in the IEEE Conference Publication Program and EI indexed. More information about the workshops is going to be provided.
Paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icccn2015 (select ContextQoS nearly to the bottom)
Organizing Chairs:
Dr.-Ing. Patrick-Benjamin Bök (Weidmüller Group, Germany),
Prof. Dr. Nader F. Mir (San Jose State University, CA, USA),
Prof. Dr.-Ing. York Tüchelmann (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
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