[hpc-announce] PPOPP 2016: First CFP

Diego R. Llanos diego at infor.uva.es
Wed Apr 29 03:29:51 CDT 2015

(We would like to apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message)

ACM PPoPP 2016: 21st ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and
Practice of Parallel Programming

12-16 March 2016, Barcelona, Spain


To be held in conjunction with HPCA 2016, CGO 2016, and LLVM 2016

- Call for Papers

PPoPP is a forum for leading work on all aspects of parallel
programming, including theoretical foundations, techniques, languages,
compilers, runtime systems, tools, and practical experience.  In the
context of the symposium, "parallel programming" encompasses work on
concurrent and parallel systems (multicore, multithreaded,
heterogeneous, clustered, and distributed systems; grids; clouds; and
large scale machines).  Given the rise of parallel architectures in
the consumer market (desktops, laptops, and mobile devices), PPoPP is
particularly interested in work that addresses new parallel workloads,
techniques, and tools that attempt to improve the productivity of
parallel programming, and work towards improved synergy with such
emerging architectures.

Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  + Compilers and runtime systems for parallel and heterogeneous systems
  + Concurrent data structures
  + Development, analysis, or management tools
  + Fault tolerance for parallel systems
  + Formal analysis and verification
  + High-performance / scientific computing
  + Middleware for parallel systems
  + Parallel algorithms
  + Parallel applications and frameworks
  + Parallel programming languages
  + Parallel programming theory and models
  + Parallelism in non-scientific workloads: web, search, analytics, cloud
  + Performance analysis, debugging and optimization
  + Programming tools for parallel and heterogeneous systems
  + Software engineering for parallel programs
  + Software for heterogeneous architectures
  + Software productivity for parallel programming
  + Synchronization and concurrency control
  + Task-parallel libraries

Papers should report on original research relevant to parallel
programming, and should contain enough background materials to make
them accessible to the entire parallel programming research community.

Papers describing experience should indicate how they illustrate
general principles; papers about parallel programming foundations
should indicate how they relate to practice.  Poster submissions
should meet similar criteria for originality and relevance, but may
present emerging ideas or results that are not yet sufficiently
developed for a full paper.

All submissions must be made electronically through the conference web
site.  Abstracts must include contact information, the full list of
authors and their affiliations, and a description of the anticipated
content of the paper (100-400 words).  Full paper submissions must be
in PDF formatted for US letter size paper.  They must not exceed 10
pages (all inclusive) in standard SIGPLAN two-column conference format
(preprint mode, with page numbers).  Templates for the SIGPLAN format
are available for Microsoft Word, and LaTeX at
http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/ (use the 9 pt template, and
do not adjust any margins, line spacing, etc.).  Over-length
submissions will not be accepted.  Submissions will be judged on
correctness, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity.

Paper submission is double-blind to reduce reviewer bias against or
for authors or institutions.  Thus, the submissions cannot include
author names, institutions or hints based on references to prior work.
If authors are extending their own work, they need to reference and
discuss the past work in third person, as if they were extending
someone else's research.  We realize that for some papers it will
still reveal authorship, but as long as an effort was made to follow
these guidelines, the submission will not be penalized.  Authors must
identify any conflicts of interest with PC members and external review
committee members, as defined here:
http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Review/ (ACM SIGPLAN

Poster submissions must conform to the same format restrictions, but
may not exceed 2 pages in length.  Paper submissions that are not
accepted for regular presentations will automatically be considered
for posters; authors who do not want their paper considered for the
poster session should indicate this in their abstract
submission.  Two-page summaries of posters will be included in the
conference proceedings.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the
proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library.  This date
may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference.  The
official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings
related to published work.  (For those rare conferences whose
proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the
conference is over, the official publication date remains the first
day of the conference.)

PPoPP 2016 will be in Barcelona, 12-18 March 2016.  It will be
co-located with HPCA 2016, CGO 2016, and LLVM 2016.  Authors should
carefully consider the difference in focus of the conferences when
deciding where to submit a paper.

Important dates:
  Abstract submission: September 4, 2015
  Full paper submission: September 11, 2015
  Author response period: October 27-29, 2015
  Notification of acceptance: November 9, 2015
  Camera-ready version of accepted papers: January 8, 2016

General Chair
  Rafael Asenjo             University of Malaga

Program Chair
  Tim Harris                Oracle Labs

Program Committee
  Kunal Agrawal             Washington University in St. Louis
  Alexandro Baldassin       Sao Paulo State University
  Grey Ballard              Sandia National Laboratories
  Michael Bauer             NVIDIA Research
  Sarah Bird                Microsoft Research
  Michael Bond              Ohio State University
  Uday Bondhugula           Indian Institute of Science
  Greg Bronevetsky          Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  Dhruva Chakrabarti        HP Labs
  Barbara Chapman           University of Houston
  Haibo Chen                Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  Christophe Dubach         University of Edinburgh
  Faith Ellen               University of Toronto
  Vincent Gramoli           NICTA and University of Sydney
  Mary Hall                 University of Utah
  Tim Harris (chair)        Oracle Labs
  William Jalby             Universite de Versailles
  Brandon Lucia             Carnegie Mellon University
  Josh Milthorpe            IBM Research
  Adam Morrison             Technion
  Rotem Oshman              Tel Aviv University
  Cynthia Phillips          Sandia National Laboratories
  Shaz Qadeer               Microsoft Research
  John Reppy                University of Chicago
  Chris Rossbach            VMware Research Group
  Vijay Saraswat            IBM T J Watson
  Martin Schulz             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  Michael Scott             University of Rochester
  Jean-Baptiste Tristan     Oracle Labs

Dr. Diego R. Llanos
ETS Ingeniería Informática, Univ. de Valladolid
Paseo de Belén 15, 47011 Valladolid, Spain.

mailto:diego at infor.uva.es
phone: +34 983 185642
fax: +34 983 423671
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