[hpc-announce] CFP: BigComp2015 Deadline extended to Oct. 10, 2014 (IEEE Technical Co-Sponsorship)

Sanghwan Lee sanghwan at kookmin.ac.kr
Tue Sep 30 19:19:56 CDT 2014

*** Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ***


The second International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing,
Jeju Island, Korea, February 9-11, 2015

Home page: http://conf2015.bigcomputing.org

*** Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society ***


In recent years, big data and smart computing have drawn much
attention and interest
in many disciplines including computer science, information
technology, and social
sciences. The 2015 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing
(BigComp 2015) provides an international forum for exchanging ideas
and information
on current issues, challenges, research results, system developments,
and practical
experiences in these emerging fields. BigComp 2015 invites authors to
submit original
research papers and new work-in-progress reports in any aspect of big
data and smart
computing. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings with
an assigned ISBN
number and submitted to IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS, and EI Compendex.


The topics of interest for BigComp 2015 include (but are not limited to):

* Techniques and models for big data
* Algorithms and systems for big data
* Machine learning and AI for big data
* Databases and data mining for big data
* Graph mining and opinion mining
* Web search and information retrieval
* Bioinformatics data management
* Infrastructure and platform for smart computing
* Models and tools for smart computing
* Mobile smartphone applications
* Big data and smart computing applications and experiments (health
care, medicine, finance, business, law, education, transportation,

telecommunication, science, engineering, ecosystem, city etc.)
* Big data analytics and social media
* Parallel and distributed computing for big data
* Hardware/software infrastructure for big data
* Security and privacy for big data
* Image/multimedia data management
* Cloud and grid computing
* Mobile communication and networks
* Smart devices and hardware
* Smart location-based services
* Mobile software and data science


Papers should be submitted as PDF files through EasyChair,
which must be formatted according to IEEE two-column format for
conference proceedings.
The paper submission site is at
Papers can be submitted as either regular or short papers.
Regular papers are limited to 8 pages and short papers limited to 4 pages.
Details about the submission process including formatting instructions are at
the conference website, http://conf2015.bigcomputing.org.


Selected papers will be invited for publication in the following
journal after further revision and extension :

  - Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences Journal (SCIE, IF=1.232)


Best Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference to the authors of selected
outstanding papers.

Keynote speeches:
BigComp2015 will deliver two gorgeous keynote speeches on big data
management issues topics by the outstanding scholars:

* Prof. Amr El Abbadi, Univ. of California at Santa Babara, USA
(Title: Mind your Ps and Vs: A Perspective on the Challenges of Big

Management and Privacy Concerns)

* Prof. Qiang Yang, Huawei Noah's Ark Research Lab and Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (Title: User Modeling
! in

Social Media and BIg Data)


* Full paper submission due: October 10, 2014 (17:00pm PDT)
* Acceptance notification: November 29, 2014
* Camera-ready copies due: December 23, 2014


General Co-Chairs
* Tok Wang Ling, National University of Singapore, Singapore
* Chong-kwon Kim, Seoul National University, Korea

Program Committee Co-Chairs
* Paolo Atzeni, Universita Roma Tre, Italy
* Wook-Shin Han, POSTECH, Korea
* Shinji Shimojo, Osaka University, Japan
* Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University, China

Organizing Chair
* Jinho Kim, Kangwon National University, Korea

International Liaison Co-Chairs
* Jee-In Kim, Konkuk University, Korea
* Seong-Ho Jeong, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea

Steering Committee
* Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan, USA
* Kyu-Young Whang, KAIST, Korea
* Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
* Tok Wang Ling, National University of Singapore, Singapore
* Il-Yeol Song, Drexel University, USA
* Jungyun Seo, Sogang University, Korea
* Chong-kwon Kim, Seoul National University, Korea

Publication Chair
* Soo-Mi Choi, Sejong University, Korea
* WonWook Lee, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada

Publicity Co-Chairs
* Ho-Jin Choi, KAIST, Korea
* Sanghwan Lee, Kookmin University, Korea
* Sambit Sahu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

Tutorials Chair
* Wookey Lee, Inha University, Korea

Workshop Chair
* Gary Geunbae Lee, POSTECH, Korea

Finance Chair
* Jung-Hyun Han, Korea University, Korea

Patron Chair
* Jong-Won Choe, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea

Registration Chair
* Taekyoung (Ted) Kwon, Seoul National University, Korea
* Min Song, Yonsei University, Korea

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
* Junghoon Lee, Jeju National University, Korea
* Wang-Cheol Song, Jeju National University, Korea

Web Chair
* Chulyun Kim, Gachon, University, Korea

For any inquiries on BigComp 2015, please contact Organizing Chair:
Prof. Jinho Kim (Kangwon National University, jhkim at kangwon.ac.kr).

Homepage: http://conf2015.bigcomputing.org


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