[hpc-announce] Workshop on Exploiting Silicon Photonics for energy-efficient high performance computing (SiPhotonics'2015)
Jose Manuel García Carrasco
jmgarcia at ditec.um.es
Tue Sep 23 06:25:04 CDT 2014
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2nd International Workshop on Exploiting Silicon Photonics for
energy-efficient high performance computing (SiPhotonics'2015), 19-21
January, 2015 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
associated with the 10th HiPEAC conference on High Performance and
Embedded Architecture and Compilers (http://www.hipeac.net/2015/amsterdam/).
Goal of the Workshop:
With Exascale systems on the horizon, we will be ushering in an era with
power and energy consumption as the primary concerns for scalable
computing. To achieve viable high performance, revolutionary methods are
required with a stronger integration among hardware features, system
software and applications.
The main purpose of this workshop is to promote further research
interests and activities on Silicon Photonics and related topics in the
perspective of its adoption in future high performance systems and, in
general, within future computing systems (from servers/workstations down
to embedded devices). In fact, Silicon Photonics poses in itself crucial
challenges and interesting design tradeoffs for being deployed in future
computer systems effectively, also in integration with other
technologies. Furthermore, the unique features of photonics (e.g.
extreme low-latency, end-to-end transmission, high bandwidth density)
have the potential to constitute a discontinuity element able to modify
the expected shape of future computer systems from the design point of
view and also from the programmability and/or runtime management
Summarizing, silicon photonics can bring innovations and benefits into
current and foreseeable computing systems directly, due to their
intrinsic features, but also indirectly enabling the evolution towards
architectures, runtime and resource management approaches that maximize
the photonic raw technological opportunities and lead to more efficient
overall designs, otherwise impossible.
This workshop aims to increase the synergy from a complete range of
perspectives, from raw technology issues and solutions up to studies at
the overall system level of modern multi-/many-core systems, both from
academic and industrial researchers working in this area. We are
interested in experimental, systems-related, and work-in-progress papers
in all aspects of the Silicon Photonics technology at all levels of
To emphasize both the fundamental impact of silicon photonic
technologies on future system and interconnection network architectures
and, conversely, the driving forces of practical and economically viable
system-level design, requirements and constraints on the underlying
technologies, this year the SiPhotonics and INA-OCMC Workshops will be
held in a federated fashion. We plan to organize joint keynote
presentations and a panel discussion with experts from both fields on
topics of interest to both communities. This way, we intend to foster
the exchange of ideas and increase collaboration between these highly
complementary workshops. The paper submission and review processes will,
however, still be run independently by each workshop.
Topics of interest:
Authors are invited to submit high quality papers representing original
work from both the academia and industry in (but not limited to) the
following topics:
- Photonics in the memory hierarchy and I/O of computing systems, QoS
management and performance analysis. On-chip and inter-chip approaches
- Emerging challenges and solutions for on-chip interconnections,
runtime and programmability for future homogeneous/heterogeneous CMPs
- Interaction of photonic features and opportunities with
chip-multiprocessor architectural features, runtime and operating system
- Addressing thermal-/energy- and power-related issues
- Solving the requirements of multiple heterogeneous parallel applications
- Simulation, validation and verification
- Synergies and tradeoffs between photonic and electronic network
- Low-level technological improvements and implications (e.g. integrated
lasers, modulation and detection technologies, microring resonators) for
computer system communication
- Industrial practices and case studies
Submission guidelines:
Prospective authors should submit electronically a full paper in English
in PDF format. Submitted papers must represent original unpublished
research that is not currently under review for any other conference or
All manuscripts will be reviewed and will be judged on correctness,
originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation,
and interest and relevance to the workshop attendees.
They should be formatted according to the IEEE Conference proceedings
format -
(IEEEtran, double-column, 10pt), not exceeding 8 pages including figures
and references.
Submissions can be made through the submission web site at the IEEE CPS
Web-based paper submission site.
Informal proceedings will be provided in an USB stick to all
participants including all material relevant to the conference and the
related events.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society's Conference Publishing Services (CPS)
http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/home. Conference proceedings
will be indexed by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. An extended version
of the best papers of the SiPhotonics be invited to submit extended
article versions to a special issue of one of the ISI-indexed
high-quality journals in this field (Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience from Wiley was last edition journal).
Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and present their
papers at the conference.
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: November 15, 2014
Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2014
Camera-ready paper due: December 13, 2014
Conference: 19th - 21th January 2015
José M. García, University of Murcia, Spain.
Sandro Bartolini, University of Siena, Italy
Program committee:
Keren Bergman Columbia University
Giovanna Calo Politecnico di Bari
José M. Cecilia Catholic University of Murcia
Yawen Chen Otago University
Ricardo Fernández-Pascual University of Murcia
Pierfrancesco Foglia University of Pisa
Antonio Garcia-Guirado ARM Norway - NTNU
Paolo Grani University of Siena
Huaxi Gu Xidian University
Timothy Jones University of Cambridge
Kostas Katrinis IBM Ireland
Sébastien Le Beux Lyon Institute of
Nanotechnology (INL)
Xavier Martorell Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) & UPC
Gokhan Memik Northwestern University
Sergei Mingaleev VPIphotonics
Takahiro Nakamura Photonics Electronics Technology
Research Association
Sudeep Pasricha Colorado State University
Luca Ramini University of Ferrara
Oded Raz COBRA Research Institute (Eindhoven University of
Marco Romagnoli CNIT
José Luis Sánchez University of Castilla-La Mancha
Laurent Schares IBM TJ Watson
Philip M. Watts University College London
Prof. José M. García
Departamento de Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores
University of Murcia, Spain.
email: jmgarcia[at]ditec.um.es
Tel.: +34 868 884819 Fax: +34 868 884151
Ing. Sandro Bartolini, PhD
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matematiche
University of Siena, Italy
E-mail: bartolini[at]dii.unisi.it
Tel: +39 0577 234850 Fax: +39 0577 233609
Prof. Jose Manuel Garcia Carrasco
Departamento de Ingenieria y Tecnologia de Computadores
Facultad de Informatica. Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo - 30080 Murcia (SPAIN)
Tel.: +34-868-884819 Fax: +34-868-884151
email: jmgarcia at ditec.um.es | jm.garcia at ieee.org
url: http://webs.um.es/jmgarcia
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