[hpc-announce] Deadline Extension - CfP: 2nd ORMa Cloud Workshop at HPDC 2014

Gaetano Anastasi gaetano.anastasi at isti.cnr.it
Fri Mar 7 09:05:25 CST 2014

Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate 
groups the following opportunity
to submit and publish scientific and technical results to
the 2th ORMaCloud workshop. It is co-located with the
ACM HPDC 2014 and the submission deadline
has been extended to March, 21st.

Kind regards,
Gaetano Anastasi

Gaetano Anastasi, Ph.D.
Post-Doc Researcher at CNR-ISTI
Via G. Moruzzi 1 - 56124 Pisa, Italy
Block 20, First Floor, Room C26

-------------- next part --------------
|                             Call for Papers                                  |
|                       2nd International Workshop on                          |
|    Optimisation techniques for Resources Management in Clouds (ORMaCloud)    |
|                  co-located with the 23rd ACM Symposium on                   |
|        High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC)            |
|                                                                              |
|                      Website:  http://ormacloud.isti.cnr.it                  |
|                                                                              |
|                            Vancouver, Canada                                 |
|                             June 23th/24th, 2014                             |

Workshop Context
The Cloud Computing paradigm is gaining an increasing degree of popularity 
and interest both in the industrial and in the scientific community, allowing 
customers to outsource the management of physical resources, and to rent a 
variable amount of resources according to their actual needs, in a pay-per-use 
fashion. In order to hide to customers the details of physical resources and to 
provide a flexible and efficient environment to users, Cloud Resource Management
(acronym CloudRM) targets a multitude of constraints and objectives, with the 
burden of optimising physical resource usage to ensure feasible business model 
placed entirely on Cloud providers. Due to the typical scale of Cloud systems, 
these goals are achieved mainly by infrastructures characterised by a high 
degree of automation. Such infrastructures allow resource provisioning 
and dynamic management of compute, storage and network resources. The ORMaCloud 
workshop will focus on management and optimisation issues related to 
dependability, scalability, economicity and performance at each level of cloud 
computing infrastructures, but also on green computing concerns, i.e. issues 
related with energy efficiency and carbon footprint limitation. The 
workshop aims at providing a venue for investigating and discussing 
these issues and state of the art techniques to solve them from a 
number of different viewpoints. 
- Different Cloud Platforms: single-tenant Clouds, Cloud brokering platforms, 
  Cloud Federations;
- Features required by Scientific, Real-time, 24/7, and Big Data Applications, 
  as well as other classes of Applications;
- CloudRM and advanced QoS management for performance, networking, power 
  efficiency, security, reliability;
- Unified programming models and impact of the IaaS/PaaS interaction on CloudRM;
- Supporting techniques and methodologies for CloudRM: resource mapping and 
  scheduling, autonomic management, service monitoring and modelling;
- Interplay of CloudRM and Cloud business models;

The Topics of Interest
According to the above description, the topics of interest for the workshop 
include but are not limited to:
- Optimisation Algorithms for CloudRM in Clouds, Cloud Brokers and 
  Cloud Federations
- CloudRM solutions targeting specific classes of applications including 
  Scientific, Real-time, 24/7, and Big Data Applications
- Design of energy efficient Cloud IaaS software stacks and middlewares
- Design of QoS aware Cloud IaaS software stacks and middlewares
- Computing models for PaaS in Clouds allowing advanced CloudRM: QoS-, Green- 
  and Security-aware
- Abstractions for new types of resource: CloudRM of multicore CPUs and GPUs
- Autonomic approaches to CloudRM
- Multi-criteria Scheduling for CloudRM
- Advanced monitoring solutions for CloudRM
- Benchmarks for CloudRM evaluation
- CloudRM impacts on Cloud business models

Important Dates
March, 21st 2014     -  Paper Submission *Extended*
April, 18th 2014     -  Author notification
April, 30th 2014     -  Final papers due
June, 23rd/24th 2014 -  Workshop


General Chair
Ranieri Baraglia,
r.baraglia at isti.cnr.it

Steering Committee
Massimo Coppola,

Patrizio Dazzi,

Pedro Garcia Lopez,
University Rovira i Virgili 

Christine Morin,
INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique 

Ramin Yahyapour 
Gšttingen University

Publicity Co-Chairs
Gaetano Anastasi,

Kleopatra Konstanteli,
Nat. Tech. Univ. of Athens

Program Committee
Emanuele Carlini, ISTI-CNR
Roberto Cascella, INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
Paolo Costa, Imperial College London
Marco Danelutto, University of Pisa
Karim Djemame, University of Leeds
Dick Epema, Delft University of Technology
Yvon Jegou, INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Nat. Tech. University of Athens
Gabriele Mencagli, University of Pisa
Alberto Montresor, University of Trento
Matteo Mordacchini, IIT-CNR
Francesco Nidito, Microsoft-Bing
Raffaele Perego, ISTI-CNR
Guillaume Pierre, University of Rennes 1
Laura Ricci, University of Pisa 
Hana Rudova, Masaryk University
Paolo Trunfio, University of Calabria
Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti, University of Madrid
Massimo Villari, University of Messina
Philipp Wieder, Gšttingen University
Yongwei Wu, Tsingua University

Paper Submission guidelines
Papers should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style and submitted via
the workshop web site. No changes to the margins, spacing, or font sizes
as specified by the style file are allowed. Accepted papers will appear 
in the conference proceedings, and will be incorporated into the ACM 
Digital Library. Papers must be self-contained and provide the technical 
substance required for the program committee to evaluate their contributions. 
Papers should thoughtfully address all related work. Submitted papers must 
be original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration 
for another conference or a journal. See the ACM Prior Publication Policy 
for more details. 

Papers can be submitted to ORMaCloud workshop either as *full* papers or as 
*short* papers.

- Full papers should present, innovative works whose claims are supported by
  solid justifications. Full papers should not exceed 8 pages.

- Short papers should target position-papers and work-in-progress. Short papers
  should not exceed 4 pages.
  - Work-in-progress papers are expected to present work that is less mature 
    but holds promise, but do not merit a full submission. 
  - Position-papers articulate a high-level vision, describe challenging future 
    directions in the area of Cloud Resources Management.

Journal Special Issue
We are working to organise a Journal Special Issue dedicated to the ORMaCloud 2014
workshop. We plan to invite authors of the ORMaCloud 2014 papers, after the workshop,
to submit their extended papers to that special issue. Currently, we are waiting for
the confirmation from the publisher.

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