[hpc-announce] PGAS14 CfP
Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 20:51:47 CDT 2014
The 8th International Conference on Partitioned
Global Address Space Programming Models (PGAS 2014)
October 7-10, 2014
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Held in cooperation with ACM SIGHPC
Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming models offer a
shared address space model that simplifies programming while exposing
data/thread locality to enhance performance. This facilitates the
development of programming models that can deliver both productivity
and performance. The PGAS conference is the premier forum to present
and discuss ideas and research developments in the area of: PGAS
models, languages, compilers, runtimes, applications and tools, PGAS
architectures and hardware features.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Applications. New applications that are uniquely enabled by the PGAS
model, existing applications and effective application development
practices for PGAS codes.
* Performance. Analysis of application performance over various
programming models.
* Developments in Programming Models and Languages. PGAS models,
language extensions, and hybrid models to address emerging
architectures, such as multicore, hybrid, heterogeneous, SIMD and
reconfigurable architectures.
* Tools, Compilers, and Implementations. Integrated Development
Environments, performance analysis tools, and debuggers. Compiler
optimisations for PGAS languages, low level libraries, memory
consistency models. Hardware support for PGAS languages, performance
studies and insights, productivity studies, and language
The PGAS Programming Models Conference is dedicated to the
presentation and discussion of research work in this field. Papers
should report on original research, and should include enough
background material to make them accessible to the entire PGAS
research community. Papers describing experiences should indicate how
they illustrate general principles; papers about parallel programming
foundations should indicate how they relate to practice.
# Deadlines
* Paper submissions due: July 29, 2014
* Notification to authors of acceptance: September 1, 2014
* Camera-ready papers due: September September 6, 2014
* Event takes place: October 7-10, 2014
# Submissions
We are using EasyChair to manage submissions. The link to submit
papers will be added to the conference home page in the near future.
# Proceedings
The proceedings will be archived in both the ACM Digital Library and
IEEE Xplore, by virtue of SIGHPC.
# Organizing Committee
Allen D. Malony, U. Oregon, General Chair
Sameer Shende, U. Oregon, Local Arrangements Chair
Wyatt Spear, U. Oregon, Web Chair
# Program Committee
Jeff Hammond, Intel Labs (Chair)
Gheorge Almasi, IBM
Eric Bohm, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Dan Bonachea, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Houston
Sung-Eun Choi, Cray
Jim Dinan, Intel
Michael Ferguson, Department of Defense (USA)
Hal Finkel, Argonne National Laboratory
Michael Garland, NVIDIA
Dave Grove, IBM
Oscar Hernandez, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zürich
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Bill Long, Cray
Jack Poulson, Georgia Tech
Alistair Rendell, Australian National University
Vivek Sarkar, Rice University
Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba
Guangming Tan, Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences
Vinod Tipparaju, AMD
Keith Underwood, Intel
Nathan Wichmann, Cray
# Steering Committee
Lauren Smith, DoD
Tarek El-Ghazawi, George Washington University
William W. Carlson, IDA
Katherine Yelick, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
# Contact Information
Allen D. Malony (malony at cs.uoregon.edu)
Sameer Shende (sameer at cs.uoregon.edu)
Jeff Hammond (jeff_hammond at acm.org)
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