[hpc-announce] P2S2 2014 (co-located with ICPP 2014)
Bland, Wesley B.
wbland at anl.gov
Thu Feb 13 13:22:13 CST 2014
Apologies for the poor formatting of the first email today. This is the corrected version.
Sixth International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems
Software for High-end Computing (P2S2) September 9th.
To be held in conjunction with ICPP 2014: The 43rd International Conference on
Parallel Processing, September 9th in Minneapolis, MN.
Website: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/events/workshops/p2s2/2014/
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners
in parallel programming models and systems software for high-end computing
systems. Please join us in a discussion of new ideas, experiences, and the
latest trends in these areas at the workshop.
The focus areas for this workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Systems software for high-end scientific and enterprise computing architectures
o Communication sub-subsystems for high-end computing
o High-performance file and storage systems
o Fault-tolerance techniques and implementations
o Efficient and high-performance virtualization and other management
mechanisms for high-end computing
* Programming models and their high-performance implementations
o MPI, Sockets, OpenMP, Global Arrays, X10, UPC, Chapel, Fortress and others
o Hybrid Programming Models
* Tools for Management, Maintenance, Coordination and Synchronization
o Software for Enterprise Data-centers using Modern Architectures
o Job scheduling libraries
o Management libraries for large-scale system
o Toolkits for process and task coordination on modern platforms
* Performance evaluation, analysis and modeling of emerging computing platforms
Proceedings of this workshop will be published in CD format and will be
available at the conference (together with the ICPP conference proceedings).
The accepted papers will be included in and indexed by the IEEE CS digital
The best papers of P2S2-2014 will be included in a Special Issue on Parallel
Programming Models and Systems Software of the Elsevier International Journal
of Parallel Computing (PARCO), edited by Abhinav Vishnu, Yong Chen, and
Pavan Balaji. Submission to this special issue is by invitation only and the
submission deadline is August 8th, 2014.
Submissions should be in PDF format in U.S. Letter size paper. They should not
exceed 10 pages (all inclusive). Submissions will be judged based on
relevance, significance, originality, correctness and clarity. Please visit
workshop website at:
for the submission link.
Paper Submission: March 15th, 2014
Author Notification: May 21st, 2014
Camera Ready: July 12th, 2014
Workshop Date: September 9th, 2014
* Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
* Abhinav Vishnu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
* Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
* Wesley Bland, Argonne National Laboratory
* William D. Gropp, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
* Vijay Saraswat, IBM Research
* Ahmad Afsahi, Queen's University
* Surendra Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
* Daniel Chavarria, Pacific Northwest National Lab
* Bronis de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
* Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University, China
* Paul Hargrove, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
* Zhiyi Huang, University of Otago, New Zealand
* Zhiling Lan, Illinois Institute of Technology
* Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego
* Huiwei Lu, Argonne National Laboratory
* Xiaoyl Lu, Ohio State University
* Amith Rajith Mamidala, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
* Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, Queen’s University of Belfast
* Scott Pakin, Los Alamos National Laboratory
* Guangming Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* Vinod Tipparaju, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
* Jesper Traff, University of Vienna, Austria
* Yunquan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
If you have any questions, please contact us at p2s2-chairs at mcs.anl.gov
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