[hpc-announce] CFP: ADAPT 2014 @ HiPEAC 2014

Christophe Dubach christophe.dubach at ed.ac.uk
Fri Oct 4 04:09:34 CDT 2013

*/Reminder: abstract submission deadline is one week away (October 11) 
and /**/*/paper submission two weeks away (October 18)/*/*

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call.
                                   CALL FOR PAPERS
                    ADAPT: 4th International Workshop on
                   Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems
                    January 22nd, 2014, Vienna, Austria
                       (co-located with HiPEAC 2014)

               Special focus on experimental reproducibility!
Computing systems are rapidly evolving into heterogeneous machines 
many processor cores. This leads to a tremendous complexity with an
unprecedented number of available design and optimisation choices for
architectures, applications, compilers and run-time systems. Using 
non-adaptive technology results in an enormous waste of expensive computing
resources and energy, while slowing down time to market.
Ideally, such systems should be able to automatically adjust their 
behaviour to
multi-objective usage scenarios at all levels (hardware and software) 
based on
empirical, dynamic, iterative, statistical, collective, bio-inspired, 
agent-based, machine learning and alternative techniques while fully 
available resources.
The 4th International Workshop on Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems 
is an
interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, developers and
application writers to discuss ideas, experience, methodology, 
practical techniques and tools to improve or change current and future
computing systems using self-tuning technology.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Topics of interests include 
to simplify, automate and standardise the design, programming, 
optimisation and
adaptation of large-scale computing systems for improving multiple 
such as performance, power consumption, utilisation, reliability and 

====  Important Dates ====
* *Abstract* deadline: *      October  11, 2013*
* *Paper* submission deadline: *October  18, 2013*
* Author notification:                 November 18, 2013
* Final paper version:                December  9, 2013

==== Program Chairs/organisers: ====
* Christophe Dubach (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Grigori Fursin (INRIA Saclay, France)
==== Program Committee: ====
* Erik Altman (IBM TJ Watson, USA)
* Bruce Childers (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
* Koen De Bosschere (Ghent University, Belgium)
* Marisa Gil (UPC, Spain)
* Mary Hall (University of Utah, USA)
* Timothy Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Anton Lokmotov (ARM, UK)
* Chi-Keung Luk (Intel, USA)
* Tipp Moseley (Google, USA)
* Toshio Nakatani (IBM, Japan)
* Lasse Natvig (NTNU, Norway)
* David Padua (UIUC, USA)
* Aaron Smith (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Juergen Teich (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
* Vittorio Zaccaria (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

==== Paper Submission Guidelines ====

We invite papers in three categories:
* Full papers presenting novel ideas with mature content (6 pages).
* Extended abstract presenting novel ideas with preliminary results and
exploratory work including wild & crazy ideas (2 pages).
* Extended abstract of already published work (must be your own) presenting
ideas relevant to the ADAPT workshop. There will be no proceedings for this
type of submissions.
We particularly welcome papers where experimental results can be validated
by the community. If accepted, the final papers should include Appendix 
detailed research methodology and references to all used data and tools
(should be publicly available by the time of the workshop).
Such submissions should include (reproducible) in the title.
More details for paper submission here: http://www.adapt-workshop.org

==== Past ADAPT workshops ====
* 3rd ADAPT 2013 at HiPEAC 2013, Berlin, Germany
* 2nd EXADAPT 2012 at ASPLOS 2012, London, UK
* 1st ACM SIGPLAN EXADAPT 2011 at PLDI 2011/FCRC 2011, San Jose, CA, USA
Grigori Fursin, PhD
Tenured Research Scientist, INRIA, France
cTuning/Collective Mind Founder
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