[hpc-announce] Call for Papers : Student Research Symposium and Workshops (Held in conjunction with HiPC 2013)

Manisha Gajbe manisha at hipc.org
Mon Jul 15 13:08:27 CDT 2013



*** 6th HiPC Student Research Symposium (SRS) ***

Held in conjunction with the


December 18-21, 2013 | Hyderabad, INDIA | www.hipc.org



Submission Opens

August 1, 2013

Submission Deadline

September 16, 2013

Accept / Reject Decisions

October 15, 2013


December 18, 2013


The Student Research Symposium (SRS) at HiPC is organized to stimulate and
foster student engagement in high performance computing research, and to
provide an international forum to highlight student research
accomplishments in HPC. The symposium will also expose students to the
latest research and best practices in the HPC community from academia and

HiPC SRS 2012 featured 17 papers and 13 posters, which were accepted from
45 submissions from five countries. Besides brief presentations and poster
exhibit by student authors, the one-day symposium this year will feature
invited talks by leading HPC researchers/practitioners. The HiPC conference
reception will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC
researchers and practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry.


We invite submission of extended research abstracts of 5 pages for the HiPC
SRS. All topics relevant to the HiPC conference are of interest to this
symposium. These include, but are not limited to:

* High-Performance Computing

* Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

* Parallel Languages and Programming Environments

* Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management

* Resilient/Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems

* Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Applications and Workloads

* Emerging Applications such as Biotechnology and Nanotechnology

* Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Cloud Computing

* Peer-to-peer Algorithms and Networks

* Heterogeneous Computing

* Interconnection Networks and Architectures

* Scalable Servers and Systems

* High Performance/Scalable Storage Systems

* Power-Efficient and Reconfigurable Architectures

* Compiler Technologies for High-Performance Computing

* Software Support and Advanced Micro-architecture Techniques

* Operating Systems for Scalable High-Performance Computing


The extended abstracts should be submitted in PDF format. The document
should be at most 5 letter size (8.5in x 11in) pages in 11 pt or 12 pt
fonts, single spaced, with at least one-inch margins on all sides. Please
identify the names of student authors in a footnote. If some part of your
submission was published by you previously, then you should cite your prior
work and indicate how the current submission differs from it.

Submissions will be handled electronically through EasyChair at
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=srshipc13.  Detailed submission
instructions are available at www.hipc.org/hipc2013/studentsymposium.php.
The selected extended abstracts will be published online on the conference
web site and on a CD to be distributed at the conference. They will not be
part of the official HiPC conference proceedings. Selection will be
competitive and all submissions will be reviewed. Manuscripts will be
judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, and significance,
quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference

For additional details, please contact the Symposium Co-Chairs at
student_symposium AT hipc.org


The research work presented in the submission should primarily be the
result of student research. Accepted papers and posters should be presented
by a student author. The student author should have been a full-time
student at some point in 2011. Non-student co-authors are permitted.


Awards for Best Poster and Best Presentation, sponsored by the IEEE
Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP) will be selected by a
separate awards committee. We expect a total award money of Indian Rupees
50, 000.  Limited scholarships in the form of travel grants to cover part
or all of travel, boarding and registration are available to authors of
accepted papers. Student authors of the top few submissions at the
symposium will be assured of a travel scholarship.

A book containing the resumes of the students participating in the
symposium will be compiled and made available to the sponsors of the HiPC
2013 conference.


KISHORE KOTHAPALI, International Institute Of Information Technology,

ASHOK SRINIVASAN, Florida State University, USA




Workshops : Held in conjunction with the

19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing

(HiPC 2013)

December 18-21, 2011 | Hyderabad, INDIA | www.hipc.org


The 20 annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing
(HiPC 2013) will be held in Hyderabad, India during December 18 - December
21, 2013. It will serve as a forum to present the current work by
researchers from around the world. HiPC 2013 will focus on the design and
analysis of high performance computing and networking systems and their
scientific, engineering, and commercial applications.

Complementing the main technical program, HiPC workshops serve to broaden
the technical scope of the conference in emerging areas of high performance
computing and communication, and their applications. The HiPC workshops
serves as an extended forum to present and discuss work-in-progress as well
as mature research among researchers from around the world, and also
highlight research activities in India.

The workshops listed below will be co-located with HiPC 2013 and are
soliciting submissions. For more information, please visit individual
workshop's website which are provided below, or correspond directly with
the respective workshop's chairs.

Please check the individual workshop pages.

Workshop 1 : Workshop on Performance Engineering and Applications

Important Dates

July 22

Paper Submission Deadline

August 12

Author Notification

August 25

Camera Ready Paper Deadline

December 18


We seek submissions on broad topics which include, but not limited to:


   Performance Engineering - standard practices and emerging trends

   Systems and tools for architecture, code, and platform optimization in
   performance engineering.

   System software, tools, techniques, algorithms and methodologies for
   performance engineering.

   Algorithms for performance engineering Automation of optimization
   techniques, machine learning for optimization.

   Workload characterization and emerging applications: bio-informatics,
   finance, molecular dynamics, fluid dynamics, telecommunication, weather
   modeling, astrophysics, clinical, scripting languages, runtime environment,
   big data, data analytics etc.

Program Co-Chairs

Pradeep Rao, IBM, India (pradeep dot rao at in dot ibm dot com)

Dheeraj Chahal, IBM, India (dhchahal at in dot ibm dot com)

Workshop 2 : Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Software for Analysis of
Massive Graphs (ParGraph)<http://www.hipc.org/hipc2013/workshop-details.php?id=Workshop%20on%20Parallel%20Algorithms%20and%20Software%20for%20Analysis%20of%20Massive%20Graphs%20(ParGraph)>

Important Dates

July 7

Paper Submission Deadline

August 7

Author Notification

August 15

Camera Ready Paper Deadline

December 18



We seek submissions on broad topics which include, but not limited to:


   Theory and Algorithms

      Combinatorial (graph) and machine learning algorithms and libraries

   Algorithms for analysis of large complex networks (social network

   Approximation algorithms and bounds

   Design and performance evaluation of algorithms on

      Traditional architectures: massively parallel distributed-memory
      systems (IBM BlueGene, Cray XE), shared-memory multicore systems (Intel,

   Nontraditional architectures: massively multithreaded architectures
   (Cray XMT), many core and tiled platforms (Nvidia, AMD, Tilera, Intel)


      Combinatorial Scientific Computing; Data Mining; Graph Mining

   Big Data Application – Social graph analysis, Graphical Model, pattern
   matching, time-evolving graphs

   Bioinformatics; Information (Cyber) security; Mobile computing

   Visual Analytics; Graph Visualization

   Programming paradigms and runtime support for irregular applications

Program Co-Chairs

Ümit Çatalyürek, The Ohio State University, USA (catalyurek dot 1 at osu
dot edu)
Mahantesh Halappanavar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
(Mahantesh dot Halappanavar at pnnl dot gov)
Nilesh Jain, Intel (nilesh dot jain at intel dot com)
Workshop 3 : International Workshop on Cloud Computing Applications

Important Dates

July 15

Paper Submission Deadline

August 15

Author Notification

August 25

Camera Ready Paper Deadline

December 18


We seek submissions on broad topics which include, but not limited to:


   Handling scalability, availability and failure tolerance

   Workload migration to cloud

   Dealing with multi-tenancy in the platform and databases

   Data locality and  placement aware computation

   Event-driven programming paradigms

   Benchmarking and profiling applications on cloud

   Caching and replication

   Writing effective map-reduce code

   Monitoring and Performance Management

Program Co-Chairs

Shubhashis Sengupta, Accenture, India (Shubhashis dot Sengupta at accenture
dot com)
Vikrant Kaulgud, Accenture, India (vikrant dot kaulgud at accenture dot com)
Vibhu Sharma, Accenture, India (vibhu dot sharma at accenture dot com)
Workshop 4 : Roadmapping Sandpit Workshop on Next-Generation Spatial
Hardware Architectures<http://www.hipc.org/hipc2013/workshop-details.php?id=Roadmapping%20Sandpit%20Workshop%20on%20Next-Generation%20Spatial%20Hardware%20Architectures>

Important Dates

August 1

Paper Submission Deadline

August 12

Author Notification


Camera Ready Paper Deadline

December 18


We seek submissions on broad topics that include, but not limited to:


   Energy and Programmability for next-generation computing architectures

Program Co-Chairs

Nachiket Kapre, NTU, Singapore (nachiket at ntu dot edu dot sg)
Kyle Rupnow, NTU, Singapore (K dot Rupnow at adsc dot com dot sg)



Manisha Gajbe

Publicity Chair, HiPC 2013

National Center for Supercomputing Applications

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Urbana, USA



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