[hpc-announce] [CFP] IISWC 2013: Call for Papers

Kushagra Vaid Kushagra.Vaid at microsoft.com
Wed Jan 2 22:58:45 CST 2013


IISWC 2013
2013 Annual IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization
Portland, Oregon, September 22-24, 2013


This symposium is dedicated to the understanding and characterization of
Workloads that run on all types of computing systems. New applications and
programming paradigms continue to emerge rapidly as the diversity and
performance of computers increase. On one hand, improvements in computing
technology are usually based on a solid understanding and analysis of
existing workloads. On the other hand, computing workloads evolve and
change with advances in microarchitecture, compilers, programming languages,
and networking/communication technologies. Whether they are smart phones
and deeply embedded systems at the low end or massively parallel systems
at the high end, the design of future computing machines can be significantly
improved if we understand the characteristics of the workloads that are
expected to run on them. This symposium will focus on characterizing and
understanding emerging applications in consumer, commercial and scientific

We solicit papers in all areas related to characterization of computing system
workloads. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

o Characterization of applications in areas including
    Search engines, e-commerce, web services, databases, file/application servers
    Embedded, mobile, multimedia, real-time, 3D-Graphics, gaming, telepresence
    Life sciences, bioinformatics, scientific computing, finance, forecasting
    Machine Learning, Analytics, Data mining
    Security, reliability, biometrics
    Grid and Cloud computing

o Characterization of OS, Virtual Machine, middleware and library behavior
    Virtual machines, Websphere, .NET, Java VM, databases
    Graphics libraries, scientific libraries

o Characterization of system behavior, including
    Operating system and hypervisor effects and overheads
    Hardware accelerators (GPGPU, XML, crypto, etc)
    User behavior and system-user interaction
    Instrumentation methodologies for workload verification and characterization
    Techniques for accurate analysis/measurement of production systems

o Implications of workloads in design issues, such as
    Power management, reliability, security, performance
    Processors, memory hierarchy, I/O, and networks
    Design of accelerators, FPGA's, GPU's, etc.
    Novel architectures (non-Von-Neumann)

o Benchmark creation, analysis, and evaluation issues, including
    Multithreaded benchmarks, benchmark cloning
    Profiling, trace collection, synthetic traces
    Validation of benchmarks

o Analytical and abstract modeling of program behavior and systems

o Emerging and future workloads
    Transactional memory workloads; workloads for multi/many-core systems
    Stream-based computing workloads; web2.0/internet workloads;
        Cyber-physical workloads


Important Dates:
    Abstracts Due..................Mar 29, 2013
    Papers Due.....................April 5, 2013
    Author Notification............June 14, 2013


General Chair......................Ravi Iyer, Intel
Program Chair......................David Brooks, Harvard
Workshop/Tutorials Chair...........Eriko Nurvitadhi, Intel
Finance Chair......................Rajeev Balasubramonian, U. of Utah
Local Arrangements Chair...........Omesh Tickoo, Intel
Publications Chair.................Vijay Janapa Reddi, UT-Austin
Publicity Chair....................Kushagra Vaid, Microsoft
Registration Chair.................Guangdeng Liao, Intel
Web Chair..........................Mi Sun Park, Penn State University
Submissions Chair..................Glenn Holloway, Harvard
Program Committee..................TBD


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