[hpc-announce] ACM International Conference on Supercomputing - CALL FOR PAPERS, POSTERS, and Workshop / Tutorial Proposals

Prof. Beniamino Di Martino beniamino.dimartino at unina.it
Thu Dec 26 13:03:32 CST 2013

  Beniamino Di Martino, PhD - Full Professor
  mOSAIC EU-ICT Project Coordinator - www.mosaic-cloud.eu
  Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione
  Seconda Universita' di Napoli
  via Roma, 29 - 81031 Aversa (CE) - ITALY
  Phone:  +39-0815010282
  Fax:    +39-0815037042
  Mobile: +39-3470461656
  e-mail: beniamino.dimartino at unina.it
          beniamino.dimartino at unina2.it

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International Conference on Supercomputing
June 10-13, 2014 - Munich, Germany

ICS is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in high-performance computing systems. ICS 2014 will be held in Munich, Germany, the heart of Bavaria. 
Contributions to the technical program, workshops, and tutorials are sought covering a broad range of	 research, development, and application of high-performance experimental and commercial systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Computer architecture and hardware, including multicore and multiprocessor systems, accelerators, memory, interconnection network and storage and file systems;
* High-performance computational and programming models, including new languages and middleware for high performance computing, auto-tuning and function-specific code generators;
* High performance system software, including compilers, runtime systems, programming and development tools, performance tools, and operating systems;
* Hardware and software solutions for heterogeneity, reliability, and power efficiency;
* Languages, runtimes, and hardware for ?big data? scenarios with a focus on high-performance data analytics, including scalable data structures, dealing with large quantities of unstructured data, online monitoring and I/O, and parallel visualization;
* Computationally challenging scientific and commercial applications, particularly studies and experiences on large-scale systems, and supercomputing on big data problems;
* Large scale installations, including case studies to guide the design of future systems and solutions for efficiently scaling power, performance and reliability;
* Novel infrastructures for internet, grid and cloud computing;
* Performance evaluation studies and theoretical underpinnings of any of the above topics.
Of particular interest are papers on any aspects of extreme-scale and heterogeneous supercomputing systems, integrated HPC software stacks, and supercomputing applications in science and engineering.
Papers must not exceed 10 pages in the ACM format. The review process will include a rebuttal period. The important dates are given below:

? Abstract submission: 	January 10, 2014 (Friday) AOE
? Paper submission: 	January 17, 2014 (Friday) AOE (NO EXTENSION PROVIDED!)
? Paper Author Rebuttal: 	March 5?8, 2014
? Paper Author notification: 	March 18, 2014 (Tuesday)
? Final paper submission: 	April 7, 2014 (Monday) AOE
? Early registration deadline: 	April 28, 2014 (Monday)
? Conference: 	June 10?13, 2014
AOE (Anywhere on Earth) dates shown above mean the deadlines are at 11:59pm UTC-12:00 of the days. The above dates are tentative and subject to change. Consult the conference website for the most up-to-date scheduling information

Specific calls are available at http://ics14.in.tum.de

Conference Chairs
* Arndt Bode - TUM and LRZ, Germany
* Michael Gerndt - TUM, Germany

Program Chairs
* Per Stenström - Computer Architecture 
  Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden 
* Lawrence Rauchwerger - Compilers
  Texas A&M University, USA 
* Barton Miller - System Software
  University of Wisconsin, USA 
* Martin Schulz - Tools and Applications

Workshop Chair
* Bernd Mohr - JSC, Germany

Tutorial Chair
* Michael Bader - TUM, Germany

Local Chair
* Josef Weidendorfer -TUM, Germany

Finance Chair
* Carsten Trinitis -TUM, Germany and University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Sponsoring Chair
* Herbert Huber -LRZ, Germany

Publicity Chair
* Beniamino Di Martino - Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy

Proceedings Chair
* Shajulin Benedict - SXCCE, Anna University, India

Poster Chair
* Erwin Laure - KTH, Sweden 

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ICS 2014: Call for Posters and Participation in ACM Student Research Competition

The International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) invites submissions of high-quality posters. The poster session is intended to showcase unpublished work in progress in the topics covered by ICS. The titles, abstracts, and authors of accepted posters will be listed in the conference proceedings. Eligible student posters will be also included into the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC).

General Poster Submission Requirements

All poster participants must submit the following information:

? The title of the poster and a list of author names, affiliations, and the name of the academic advisor if it is a student poster.
? A camera-ready abstract of the poster, up to 100 words.
? A separate description outlining the content of the poster, up to 800 words, which describes the research problem, motivation and background, techniques and results, and the prospect for clearly and concisely conveying the work in a poster format. Further, it should emphasize the novel contributions of the work explicitly.
? Please indicate the eligibility for SRC of your poster & whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student. Entering the SRC is optional. Competition-eligible posters must be authored solely by an ACM student member, with student status as of March 14, 2014.

A panel of experts will evaluate the submissions based on novelty of approach, significance of contribution, and quality of work.

ACM Student Research Competition (SRC)

Sponsored by ACM and Microsoft Research, the SRC is a forum for students to share research results, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes. Students accepted to participate in the SRC are entitled to a travel grant (up to $500) to help cover travel expenses. The top 3 undergraduate and graduate winners will receive the following prizes:
? Monetary prizes of $500, $300, and $200, respectively.
? A 2-year ACM Student membership with ACM Digital Library subscription.
? Winners' names & abstracts will be posted on ACM's SRC web site.
? The first place undergraduate and graduate winners from all SRCs for the program year receive invitations to compete in the Grand Finals

Please review the SRC website at http://src.acm.org/ for more details.

Important dates:

Poster submission: March 7, 2014 (Friday) AOE Student Research submission: March 7, 2014 (Friday) AOE Poster notification: March 28, 2014 (Friday) ACM Student research notification: March 28, 2014 (Friday) Final abstract submission:  April 7, 2014 (Monday) AOE Early registration deadline: April 28, 2014 (Monday)
Conference: 10?13 June 2014

AOE (Anywhere on Earth) dates shown above mean the deadlines are at 11:59pm UTC-12:00 of the days. The above dates are tentative and subject to change. Consult the conference website for the most up-to-date scheduling information.

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ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
June 10-13, 2014
Munich, Germany
Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

Tutorial and Workshop Day, June 10 2014
We are inviting workshop and tutorial proposals on topics related to all aspects of research, 
development, and application of large-scale, high-performance experimental and commercial systems. 
Topics include computer architecture and hardware, HPC programming models, system software, and applications, solutions for 
heterogeneity, reliability, power efficiency, and "big data" issues, as well as internet, grid and cloud computing. 
Please see ICS'14 CFP for a detailed topic list.
** IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR ICS 2014 **: This year we will make early acceptance decisions on a rolling basis up until the final 
deadline. This change will give workshops and tutorials more time to advertise and prepare. Up to half of the final accepted 
workshops and tutorials will be accepted early, but all proposals submitted by the final deadline will still receive full 
consideration. If you would like your proposal to be considered for early acceptance, please submit it and then email the 
Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs (see below). We strongly encourage workshop organizers to submit their proposal early so 
that there is enough time to organize the workshop program before the conference.

Proposal submission deadline: January 24, 2014
Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2014

How to submit: Please email your proposals (PDF, 2-page maximum) to <ics2014-wstut at lists.lrz.de>.

Questions? Contact the Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs, Bernd Mohr <b.mohr at fz-juelich.de> and Michael Bader <bader at in.tum.de> for questions or issues.
Workshop proposals should include the following:
? Title of the workshop
? Organizers, their affiliations, and short bios
? Expected duration of the workshop (half day or full day)
? Expected workshop format (talk/keynote/panel)
? A description of the workshop and/or a proposed call for participation or papers, including the workshop's main objectives, topics, and expected program committee (if possible)
? If the workshop was previously held, the location (i.e., which conference), date, the number of published papers and attendees at the last workshop.
? Whether proceedings will be published.
Tutorial proposals should include the following:
* Title of the tutorial
* Organizers, presenters, their affiliations, and short bios
* Expected duration of the workshop (half day or full day)
* Expected tutorial format (talks/demo/exercise)
* Abstract of the tutorial, including the tutorial's main objectives, topics, target audience, and prerequisite knowledge
* If the tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e., which conference), date, and number of attendees at the last tutorial.

ICS Workshop and Tutorials Co-Chairs
       	 Bernd Mohr, JSC, Germany			
         Michael Bader, TUM, Germany

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