[hpc-announce] Special Issue in the Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies Journal (ETT) on "High Performance Mobile Opportunistic Systems"Paper Submission: 15th March 2013

Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis mavromoustakis.c at unic.ac.cy
Sat Nov 3 06:21:32 CDT 2012

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CFP for the Special Issue in the Transactions on Emerging 
Telecommunications Technologies Journal
"High Performance Mobile Opportunistic Systems"

Opportunistic networks are an emerging networking paradigm where 
communication between the source and destination occurs on-the-fly and 
depends on the availability of communication resources. Opportunistic 
communication paradigm heavily benefits from the heterogeneous 
networking and communication infrastructure that currently exist, e.g., 
mobile networks, P2P networks, with the supporting technologies in data 
management and system interoperability.

The SI aims at presenting state-of-the-art research and future trends in 
mobile and heterogeneous opportunistic networking and application 
paradigms, combining the mobile communication, mobility and resource 
management field, and scientifically presents the various concepts that 
contribute to enable high performance computing in these environments.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

•resource management (failure-aware, high-availability, efficiency, 
reliability, fault tolerance, etc.)

•data management (data gathering and fusion, aggregation, dissemination, 
source coding, signal processing, etc.)

•cooperative and opportunistic algorithms (cooperative PHY, relays, 
distributed signal processing, etc.)

•key functionalities (security, localization, privacy and 
authentication, self-*, synchronization, etc.)

•novel protocols (PHY level, MAC level, routing aspects, congestion and 
admission control, communication networking paradigms, etc.)

•self-adaptiveness (self-organization, self-stabilization, autonomic 
computing approaches, etc.)

•cross-layer and cross-functionality designs (channel coding, 
cross-layer interaction, protocols for cross-layering, etc.)

•performance evaluation and limitation (network capacity, metrics and 
new schemes’ evaluation through real-time or simulation, etc.)

•opportunistic storage (backup techniques, autonomic- management of 
storage, location-aware caching, etc.)

•energy consideration (optimization of energy-efficient 
protocols/algorithms, energy-efficient MAC, routing and cross-layer 
protocols, adaptive protocols, innovative power control techniques, 
novel applications, scalability issues, etc.)

•mobility models (mobility modeling, management and optimization, 
mobility effects, efficiency, conceptual models and applied certain 
patterns, human mobility, mobility aware protocols, service portability, 

•implementation case studies (i.e. WSN, Ad-hoc, HAPs, etc. )

•simulation frameworks (tools, designs, module support and integration, 
novel performance analysis etc.)

Articles should be of novel research nature whereas only originally 
unpublished contributions and invited articles will be considered for 
the issue.
The papers should be formatted according to the ETT guidelines which can 
be found at 

Instructions for submission:
Manuscripts must not have been previously published nor currently under
review by other journals or conferences. If the paper was published in a 
conference, the submitted manuscript should be a substantial extension 
of the conference paper.
Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format with a separate cover 
letter, which contains the paper title, authors, affiliations, complete 
contact information (indicating the primary contact author), a 250-word 
abstract, and 3-5 keywords, via the web site for the Journal’s 
submission system at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ett. The 
submission timetable is shown below.

Submission page: 



Constandinos Mavromoustakis (University of Nicosia, Cyprus)
Lei Shu (Osaka University, Japan)
Tasos Dagiuklas (Technological Educational Institute of Mesolonghi-Greece)
Yang Xiao (The University of Alabama, USA)

Important Dates/deadlines:

  -Paper Submission:     15 March 2013
  -Author Notification:  30 May 2013
  -Final Versions Due:   July 2013


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