[hpc-announce] Reminder: EuroMPI 2012 deadline Wed, May 16

Rajeev Thakur thakur at mcs.anl.gov
Mon May 14 14:38:41 CDT 2012

Note: Submission deadline is Wednesday, May 16th


Recent Advances in Message Passing Interface. 
19th European MPI Users' Group Meeting

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, September 23-26, 2012



EuroMPI is the preeminent meeting for users, developers and
researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications
of message-passing parallel computing, in particular in and related to
the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The annual meeting has a long,
rich tradition, and the 19th European MPI Users' Group Meeting will
again be a lively forum for discussion of everything related to usage
and implementation of MPI and other parallel programming interfaces.
Traditionally, the meeting has focused on the efficient implementation
of aspects of MPI, typically on high-performance computing platforms,
benchmarking and tools for MPI, short-comings and extensions of MPI,
parallel I/O and fault tolerance, as well as parallel applications
using MPI. The meeting is open towards other topics, in particular
application experience and alternative interfaces for high-performance
heterogeneous, hybrid, distributed memory systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* MPI implementation issues and improvements
* Extensions to and shortcomings of MPI
* Tools and environments for MPI
* Hybrid and heterogeneous programming with MPI and other interfaces
* Relation of MPI to alternative interfaces for hybrid/heterogeneous distributed memory systems
* Interaction between message-passing software and hardware, in particular new high performance architectures
* Fault tolerance in message-passing implementations and systems
* Performance evaluation for MPI and MPI based applications
* Automatic performance tuning of MPI applications and implementations
* Verification of message passing applications and protocols
* Applications using message-passing, in particular in Computational Science and Scientific Computing 
* Non-standard message-passing applications
* Parallel algorithms in the message-passing paradigm
* Algorithms using the message-passing paradigm

The meeting will feature contributed talks on the selected,
peer-reviewed papers, invited expert talks covering upcoming and
future issues, a vendor session where selected vendors will present
their new developments in hybrid and heterogeneous cluster and
high-performance architectures, a poster session, and a tutorial
day. As in 2011, EuroMPI 2012 will include the special session IMUDI
dedicated to improving MPI user and developer interaction. The special
session will have the same deadlines as the conference, but its own
CFP and feature its own specialist program committee that will review
all dedicated IMUDI submissions. This session should attract strongly
application focused papers showing potential or problems with MPI and
current MPI practice. IMUDI papers may be shorter and may center on
problem analysis rather than solution, and will thus contribute to
intensify discussion between MPI developers and application programmers.
Other, special sessions may be organized, and proposals are
solicited. Proceedings for EuroMPI 2012 will be published in Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).  A Special Issue of the
Springer "Computing" journal is planned for a selection of the best
papers of the conference.


Contributors are invited to submit a full paper as a PDF document not
exceeding 10 pages in English. The title page should contain an
abstract of at most 100 words and five specific, topical keywords. The
paper must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines. The
usage of LaTeX for preparation of the contribution as well as the
submission in camera ready format is strongly recommended. Style files
can be found with Springer

New work that is not yet mature for a full paper, short observations,
and similar brief announcements are invited for the poster
session. Contributions to the poster session should be submitted in
the form of a two page abstract. 

All contributions will be fully peer reviewed by the program
committee. Papers shall be submitted electronically via Easychair, see

Papers with a very strong application focus concerned with use of MPI
and possible obstacles should be considered for submission to the
IMUDI special session, see http://press.mcs.anl.gov/imudi

SCHEDULE, IMPORTANT DATES (Note: deadline extended!)

* Submission of full papers and poster abstracts: May 16, 2012
* Author Notification: June 15th, 2012
* Camera Ready papers due: July 9th, 2012
* Tutorial(s): September 23rd, 2012
* Conference: September 24-26th, 2012


Jack Dongarra


Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna, sigi at par.univie.ac.at
Jesper Larsson Träff, Vienna University of Technology, traff at par.tuwien.ac.at


Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna, Austria
Gil Bloch, Mellanox Technologies
George Bosilca, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA
Darius Buntinas, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Franck Cappello, INRIA, France and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Gilles Civario, Irish Centre for High-End Computing
Yiannis Cotronis, University of Athens, Greece
Jim Cownie, Intel, UK
Anthony Danalis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Bronis R. de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Luiz DeRose, Cray, USA
Edgar Gabriel, University of Houston, USA
Brice Goglin, INRIA, France
David Goodell, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah, USA
Richard Graham, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
William Gropp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Thomas Herault, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Torsten Hoefler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Yutaka Ishikawa, Universty of Tokyo, Japan
Michael Kagan, Mellanox Technologies
Dries Kimpe, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Jesus Labarta, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Dong Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Ewing Rusty Lusk, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Amith Rajith Mamidala, IBM, USA
Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Guillaume Mercier, INRIA, France
Bernd Mohr, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), Germany
Matthias Mueller, Center for Information Services and HPC, TU Dresden, Germany
Rolf Rabenseifner, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany
Thomas Rauber, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Rolf Riesen, IBM, Ireland
Robert Ross, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Peter Sanders Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Saba Sehrish, Northwestern University, USA
Christian Siebert, University of Aachen, Germany
Stephen Siegel, University of Delaware, USA
Anna Sikora, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
Jeff Squyres, Cisco, USA
Shinji Sumimoto, Fujitsu, Japan
Rajeev Thakur, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Vinod Tipparaju, AMD, USA
Carsten Trinitis, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
Jesper Larsson Träff, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Keith Underwood, Intel, USA
Robert Van De Geijn, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Alan Wagner, University of British Columbia, Canada
Roland Wismüller, University of Siegen, Germany
Xin Yuan, Florida State University, USA


EuroMPI 2012 will be held in Vienna, Austria, at the Austrian Academy
of Sciences. Vienna is easily accessible by plane and train, and in
addition to the conference has a highly attractive cultural heritage.


The conference will hopefully be well supported by sponsors, which will help
directly towards keeping the fees low. As far as possible, special student 
fees will be offered.

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