[ExM Users] Swift/T using wrong Python

Tim Armstrong tim.g.armstrong at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 09:46:32 CDT 2015

What did you have PYTHON_INSTALL set to in exm-settings?  It should be
printing the directory/name there.

I was actually able to replicate a similar problem, which may not be what
you were seeing.  There's a subtle issue with ordering of library
dependencies where it was picking up the system Python library rather than
the other one in some cases.

- Tim

On 19 April 2015 at 23:28, Ozik, Jonathan <jozik at anl.gov> wrote:

>  I’m not an Autoconf expert, so take this with a grain of salt, but the
> two lines in the turbine configure script:
>     echo "Using Python lib directory: ${USE_PYTHON_LIBDIR}"
>     echo "Using Python lib name:      ${USE_PYTHON_NAME}”
>  were showing:
> Using Python lib directory: .
> Using Python lib name:      1
>  so I looked at how those variables were being derived, and it looks like
> there might be some issues there.
> Also, exm-settings.sh doesn’t mention the --with-python-lib option either.
>  As for the sys.version issue that I’m seeing, it’s really strange,
> because it is possible that sys.version is not correct, as odd as that may
> sound. I know that sys.executable is not always correct, but I thought I
> could trust sys.version. The python that is being used definitely has
> modules installed that are not in the version of python that’s being
> reported. Odd. But the good news is that I’m now able to move on with what
> we’re actually trying to do.
>  Thanks again for helping me think through this,
>  Jonathan
>  On Apr 19, 2015, at 9:21 PM, Tim Armstrong <tim.g.armstrong at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Hmm, so it's probably picking up the system Python by default.   This
> may be an oversight on our part - I'm creating a bug to look into it.  Our
> build should be linking it to your other python library but isn't.
>  As a workaround, you can override this with the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
> environment variable on Mac OS X.
> If you add the directory with your preferred python .dylib file to that
> environment variable, it should link against that version of python instead
> of the system one.
>  E.g.
> export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/anaconda/lib
>  I *think* this should give you a way to work around it in the meantime.
>  - Tim
> On 19 April 2015 at 20:19, Ozik, Jonathan <jozik at anl.gov> wrote:
>> Thanks Tim. Here’s what I get on OS X:
>>  XioMBP:swift_simphony_example_DEAP jozik$ otool
>> -L /Users/jozik/work/swift_t/install/turbine/lib/libtclturbine.dylib
>> /Users/jozik/work/swift_t/install/turbine/lib/libtclturbine.dylib:
>> /Users/jozik/work/swift_t/install/turbine/lib/libtclturbine.dylib
>> (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
>> /Users/jozik/work/swift_t/install/lb/lib/libadlb.dylib (compatibility
>> version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
>> /Users/jozik/work/swift_t/install/c-utils/lib/libexmcutils.dylib
>> (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
>> /usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib/libtcl8.6.dylib (compatibility version 8.6.0,
>> current version 8.6.3)
>> /usr/local/lib/libmpi.12.dylib (compatibility version 13.0.0, current
>> version 13.4.0)
>> libpython2.7.dylib (compatibility version 2.7.0, current version 2.7.0)
>> libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.8)
>> /usr/local/lib/libsz.2.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current
>> version 3.0.0)
>> /usr/local/lib/libhdf5.8.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0, current
>> version 9.2.0)
>> /usr/local/lib/libhdf5_hl.8.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0, current
>> version 9.2.0)
>> /usr/local/lib/libpmpi.12.dylib (compatibility version 13.0.0, current
>> version 13.4.0)
>> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version
>> 1213.0.0)
>> /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.9.2/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0/4.9.2/libgcc_s.1.dylib (compatibility
>> version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
>>  Which doesn’t answer our question of which libpython2.7.dylib is being
>> linked to… If there’s a build log file that you want to point me to, I can
>> do some more digging.
>>  Jonathan
>>  On Apr 19, 2015, at 7:36 PM, Tim Armstrong <tim.g.armstrong at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  It might be helpful to get some linker information from your
>> installation to see which Python version it's linking against.
>> In linux:
>> ldd  /path/to/turbine/lib/libtclturbine.so
>>  In OS X I think it's something like:
>> otool -L /path/to/turbine/lib/libtclturbine.dylib
>>  - Tim
>> On 19 April 2015 at 15:55, Ozik, Jonathan <jozik at anl.gov> wrote:
>>> An update. I looked to see whether this was a PATH issue, and saw that
>>> there was a difference between how my bash and zsh shells populate the PATH
>>> variable. I have made them compatible now, but am still seeing the same
>>> issue with the wrong python being picked up.
>>> Jonathan
>>> > On Apr 18, 2015, at 11:21 PM, Ozik, Jonathan <jozik at anl.gov> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > I’ve run up against an issue where Swift/T’s python and python_persist
>>> are using the wrong Python version. I’ve checked and rebuilt and it looks
>>> like the Python install location specified in exm-settings.sh is being used
>>> in the build log but when I run a simple test:
>>> > string ss = python_persist("import sys\nsys.version”);
>>> > I’m getting the Python installation at /usr/bin/python rather than the
>>> Python version installed as part of the Anaconda distribution (which is
>>> what the exm-settings.sh is configured to use).
>>> > Any advice on how I might better diagnose this would be appreciated.
>>> I’m on Mac OS X (10.10.3).
>>> >
>>> > Jonathan
>>> >
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