[ExM Users] turbine-aprun-run doesn't create directory

Ketan Maheshwari ketan at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 30 13:54:10 CDT 2014

The behavior in different when run with turbine command on MCS workstation.
The "results" directory gets created as a result of running this script.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Wozniak, Justin M. <wozniak at mcs.anl.gov>

> Swift/T doesn't create or stage output files- it's up to the app to create
> any desired output directories.  It does not interpret the output file
> name.
> On 06/30/2014 01:42 PM, Ketan Maheshwari wrote:
> Hi,
>  With the following line:
>  file output<sprintf("results/cmdout%i%i.txt", i,j)> =
> runcommand(command+" "+filename(afile));
>  I expect turbine to create a directory "results", in the jobdir  in the
> case of turbine-aprun-run.zsh, but it seems this is not created. Is this
> expected behavior?
>  The full script is:
>  import files;
> import io;
> import string;
> import python;
>  app (file out) runcommand (string instr){
>    "/bin/sh" "-c" instr @stdout=out;
> }
>  main{
>     file files[] = glob("adir/*.txt");
>     string commands[]=["head","tail","stat"];
>      foreach afile, i in files{
>         foreach command, j in commands{
>             file output<sprintf("results/cmdout%i%i.txt", i,j)> =
> runcommand(command+" "+filename(afile));
>         }
>     }
> }
>  Thanks,
> Ketan
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> Justin M Wozniak
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