[Darshan-users] Darshan I/O profiling of sequential code

Wadud Miah wadud.miah at nag.co.uk
Wed Dec 14 09:35:20 CST 2016


I have built Darshan using Intel MPI (2017) and would like to profile a sequential code using Darshan. I have used the same Darshan library to profile an MPI code it works fine. I execute the following command line for a sequential code :

$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/pr1ebt00/pr1ebt05/darshan-3.1.2-impi/lib/libdarshan.so ~/gbmoldd/utilities/joinfiles.exe

but it doesn't create any Darshan output file. Do you know if I can profile sequential codes using Darshan? If so, how can I do this?

Best regards,

Dr. Wadud Miah
Computational Scientist
Numerical Algorithms Group
01865 518035


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