[Darshan-users] Darshan and Intel MPI (x86_64)

Harr, Cameron Contractor, SAIC cameron.harr.ctr at navy.mil
Mon Feb 20 12:28:20 CST 2012

I'm trying to get Darshan running on a RedHat/X86_64 cluster with a few different flavors of MPI available. I'm most recently trying Intel MPI and gfortran (Intel Compilers didn't seem to work) and after a fair bit of tweaking, got the executable recompiled with libdarshan.so successfully linked in. In my job run script, I verify that libdarshan is linked in and the job runs to completion; however no output is generated. I also tried setting DARSHAN_INTERNAL_TIMING=1, but still no output. Should I be able to use Intel MPI and/or is there a place that documents which MPI stacks are supported?
Cameron Harr | SAIC | C4IT BU
Systems Analyst | FNMOC
phone:  831.656.4154
mobile: 831.233.8216
email: cameron.harr.ctr at navy.mil<mailto:cameron.harr.ctr at navy.mil>
email: harrc at saic.com<mailto:harrc at saic.com>

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