[Darshan-commits] [Git][darshan/darshan][autoperf-mod-update] pydarshan apxc script

Sudheer Chunduri xgitlab at cels.anl.gov
Tue Feb 2 10:33:39 CST 2021

Sudheer Chunduri pushed to branch autoperf-mod-update at darshan / darshan

c18e3501 by Sudheer Chunduri at 2021-02-02T16:32:44+00:00
pydarshan apxc script

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- − .gitmodules
- − darshan-util/pydarshan.py
- darshan-util/pydarshan/darshan/backend/cffi_backend.py
- darshan-util/pydarshan/darshan/report.py
- darshan-util/pydarshan/setup.py
- − modules/autoperf


.gitmodules deleted
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "modules/autoperf"]
-	path = modules/autoperf
-	url = git at xgitlab.cels.anl.gov:AutoPerf/autoperf.git
-	branch = master

darshan-util/pydarshan.py deleted
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-import cffi
-import numpy
-API_def_c = r"""
-/* from darshan-logutils.h */
-struct darshan_mnt_info
-    char mnt_type[3031];
-    char mnt_path[3031];
-struct darshan_mod_info
-    char *name;
-    int  len;
-    int  ver;
-    int  idx;
-/* from darshan-log-format.h */
-struct darshan_job
-    int64_t uid;
-    int64_t start_time;
-    int64_t end_time;
-    int64_t nprocs;
-    int64_t jobid;
-    char metadata[1024];
-struct darshan_base_record
-    uint64_t id;
-    int64_t rank;
-struct darshan_posix_file
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t counters[64];
-    double fcounters[17];
-struct darshan_stdio_file
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t counters[13];
-    double fcounters[15];
-struct darshan_mpiio_file
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t counters[51];
-    double fcounters[15];
-struct darshan_hdf5_file
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t counters[1];
-    double fcounters[2];
-struct darshan_pnetcdf_file
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t counters[2];
-    double fcounters[2];
-struct darshan_bgq_record
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t counters[11];
-    double fcounters[1];
-/* from darshan-apxc-log-format.h */
-struct darshan_apxc_header_record
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t magic;
-    int nblades;
-    int nchassis;
-    int ngroups;
-    int memory_mode;
-    int cluster_mode;
-struct darshan_apxc_perf_record
-    struct darshan_base_record base_rec;
-    int64_t counters[396];
-/* counter names */
-char *apxc_counter_names[];
-char *bgq_counter_names[];
-char *bgq_f_counter_names[];
-char *hdf5_counter_names[];
-char *hdf5_f_counter_names[];
-char *mpiio_counter_names[];
-char *mpiio_f_counter_names[];
-char *pnetcdf_counter_names[];
-char *pnetcdf_f_counter_names[];
-char *posix_counter_names[];
-char *posix_f_counter_names[];
-char *stdio_counter_names[];
-char *stdio_f_counter_names[];
-/* Supported Functions */
-void* darshan_log_open(char *);
-int darshan_log_get_job(void *, struct darshan_job *);
-void darshan_log_close(void*);
-int darshan_log_get_exe(void*, char *);
-int darshan_log_get_mounts(void*, struct darshan_mnt_info **, int*);
-void darshan_log_get_modules(void*, struct darshan_mod_info **, int*);
-int darshan_log_get_record(void*, int, void **);
-ffi = cffi.FFI()
-libdutil = ffi.dlopen("/home/harms/working/darshan/theta/install/lib/libdarshan-util.so")
-modules = {}
-def log_open(filename):
-  b_fname = filename.encode()
-  log = libdutil.darshan_log_open(b_fname)
-  mods = log_get_modules(log)
-  return log
-def log_close(log):
-  libdutil.darshan_log_close(log)
-  modules = {}
-  return
-def log_get_job(log):
-  job = {}
-  jobrec = ffi.new("struct darshan_job *")
-  libdutil.darshan_log_get_job(log, jobrec)
-  job['jobid'] = jobrec[0].jobid
-  job['uid']   = jobrec[0].uid
-  job['start_time'] = jobrec[0].start_time
-  job['end_time']   = jobrec[0].end_time
-  mstr = ffi.string(jobrec[0].metadata).decode("utf-8")
-  md = {}
-  for kv in mstr.split('\n')[:-1]:
-    k,v = kv.split('=', maxsplit=1)
-    md[k] = v
-  job['metadata']   = md
-  return job
-def log_get_exe(log):
-  exestr = ffi.new("char[]", 4096)
-  libdutil.darshan_log_get_exe(log, exestr)
-  return ffi.string(exestr).decode("utf-8")
-def log_get_mounts(log):
-  mntlst = []
-  mnts = ffi.new("struct darshan_mnt_info **")
-  cnt  = ffi.new("int *")
-  libdutil.darshan_log_get_mounts(log, mnts, cnt)
-  for i in range(0, cnt[0]):
-      mntlst.append((ffi.string(mnts[0][i].mnt_path).decode("utf-8"),
-                     ffi.string(mnts[0][i].mnt_type).decode("utf-8")))
-  return mntlst
-def log_get_modules(log):
-  mods = ffi.new("struct darshan_mod_info **")
-  cnt  = ffi.new("int *")
-  libdutil.darshan_log_get_modules(log, mods, cnt)
-  for i in range(0, cnt[0]):
-      modules[ffi.string(mods[0][i].name).decode("utf-8")] = \
-        {'len': mods[0][i].len, 'ver': mods[0][i].ver, 'idx': mods[0][i].idx}
-  return modules
-def log_get_generic_record(log, mod_name, mod_type):
-  rec = {}
-  buf = ffi.new("void **")
-  r = libdutil.darshan_log_get_record(log, modules[mod_name]['idx'], buf)
-  if r < 1:
-    return None
-  rbuf = ffi.cast(mod_type, buf)
-  clst = []
-  for i in range(0, len(rbuf[0].counters)):
-    clst.append(rbuf[0].counters[i])
-  rec['counters'] = numpy.array(clst, dtype=numpy.uint64)
-  flst = []
-  for i in range(0, len(rbuf[0].fcounters)):
-    flst.append(rbuf[0].fcounters[i])
-  rec['fcounters'] = numpy.array(clst, dtype=numpy.float64)
-  return rec
-def counter_names(mod_name, fcnts=False):
-  names = []
-  i = 0
-  if fcnts:
-    F = "f_"
-  else:
-   F1 = ""
-   F2 = ""
-  end = "{0}_{1}NUM_INDICES".format(mod_name.upper(), F.upper())
-  var_name = "{0}_{1}counter_names".format(mod_name.lower(), F.lower())
-  while True: 
-    try:
-      var = getattr(libdutil, var_name)
-    except:
-      var = None
-    if not var:
-      return None
-    name = ffi.string(var[i]).decode("utf-8")
-    if name == end:
-      break
-    names.append(name)
-    i += 1
-  return names
-def fcounter_names(mod_name):
-  return counter_names(mod_name, fcnts=True)
-def log_get_bgq_record(log):
-  return log_get_generic_record(log, "BGQ", "struct darshan_bgq_file **")
-def log_get_hdf5_record(log):
-  return log_get_generic_record(log, "HDF5", "struct darshan_hdf5_file **")
-def log_get_mpiio_record(log):
-  return log_get_generic_record(log, "MPIIO", "struct darshan_mpiio_file **")
-def log_get_pnetcdf_record(log):
-  return log_get_generic_record(log, "PNETCDF", "struct darshan_pnetcdf_file **")
-def log_get_posix_record(log):
-  return log_get_generic_record(log, "POSIX", "struct darshan_posix_file **")
-def log_get_stdio_record(log):
-  return log_get_generic_record(log, "STDIO", "struct darshan_stdio_file **")
-def log_get_apxc_record(log):
-  rec = {}
-  memory_modes = ['unknown', 'flat', 'equal', 'split', 'cache']
-  cluster_modes = ['unknown', 'all2all', 'quad', 'hemi', 'snc4', 'snc2']
-  buf = ffi.new("void **")
-  r = libdutil.darshan_log_get_record(log, modules['APXC']['idx'], buf)
-  if r < 1:
-    return None
-  prf = ffi.cast("struct darshan_apxc_perf_record **", buf)
-  hdr = ffi.cast("struct darshan_apxc_header_record **", buf)
-  if hdr[0].magic == 4707761685111591494:
-    mm = hdr[0].memory_mode & ~(1 << 31)
-    cm = hdr[0].cluster_mode & ~(1 << 31)
-    rec['nblades'] = hdr[0].nblades
-    rec['nchassis'] = hdr[0].nchassis
-    rec['ngroups'] = hdr[0].ngroups
-    rec['memory_mode'] = memory_modes[mm]
-    rec['cluster_mode'] = cluster_modes[cm]
-  else:
-    rec['group'] = prf[0].counters[0]
-    rec['chassis'] = prf[0].counters[1]
-    rec['blade'] = prf[0].counters[2]
-    rec['node'] = prf[0].counters[3]
-    clst = []
-    for i in range(0, len(prf[0].counters)):
-      clst.append(prf[0].counters[i])
-    rec['counters'] = numpy.array(clst, dtype=numpy.uint64)
-  return rec

@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@ from darshan.discover_darshan import check_version
 addins = ""
+# Optional APXC module
+  from darshan.backend.apxc import *
+  addins += get_apxc_defs()
+  pass
 # Optional APMPI module

@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ _structdefs = {
     "PNETCDF": "struct darshan_pnetcdf_file **",
     "POSIX": "struct darshan_posix_file **",
     "STDIO": "struct darshan_stdio_file **",
+    "APXC": "struct darshan_apxc_perf_record **",
     "APMPI": "struct darshan_apmpi_perf_record **",

@@ -6,64 +6,71 @@ import sys
 import os
-with open('README.rst') as readme_file:
+with open("README.rst") as readme_file:
     readme = readme_file.read()
-requirements = ['cffi', 'numpy', 'pandas', 'matplotlib']
-setup_requirements = ['pytest-runner', ]
-test_requirements = ['pytest']
+requirements = ["cffi", "numpy", "pandas", "matplotlib"]
+setup_requirements = [
+    "pytest-runner",
+test_requirements = ["pytest"]
 ext_modules = []
-if '--with-extension' in sys.argv:
-    ext_modules.append(Extension(
-        'darshan.extension',
-        #optional=True,
-        sources=['darshan/extension.c'],
-        include_dirs=['/usr/include'],
-        libraries=['darshan-util']
-        ))
-    sys.argv.remove('--with-extension')
+if "--with-extension" in sys.argv:
+    ext_modules.append(
+        Extension(
+            "darshan.extension",
+            # optional=True,
+            sources=["darshan/extension.c"],
+            include_dirs=["/usr/include"],
+            libraries=["darshan-util"],
+        )
+    )
+    sys.argv.remove("--with-extension")
 # Find backend python files in modules and copy them into lib
 for root, dirs, files in os.walk("../../modules"):
-  for f in files:
-    if f.endswith("-backend.py"):
-      fname = f.replace("-backend", "")
-      os.symlink("../../" + os.path.join(root, f), f"darshan/backend/{fname}")
-      print("Adding {0} to backends.".format(os.path.join(root,f)))
+    for f in files:
+        if f.endswith("-backend.py"):
+            fname = f.replace("-backend", "")
+            try:
+                os.symlink("../../" + os.path.join(root, f), f"darshan/backend/{fname}")
+            except:
+                pass
+            print("Adding {0} to backends.".format(os.path.join(root, f)))
-    author='',
-    author_email='',
+    author="",
+    author_email="",
-        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
-        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
-        'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
-        'Natural Language :: English',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9'
+        "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
+        "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+        "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
+        "Natural Language :: English",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
     description="Python tools to interact with darshan log records of HPC applications.",
-    ext_modules = ext_modules,  
+    ext_modules=ext_modules,
-    keywords='darshan',
-    name='darshan',
-    packages=find_packages(include=['darshan*']),
+    keywords="darshan",
+    name="darshan",
+    packages=find_packages(include=["darshan*"]),
-    test_suite='tests',
+    test_suite="tests",
-    url='https://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/darshan/',
-    version='0.0.6',
+    url="https://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/darshan/",
+    version="0.0.6",

modules/autoperf deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit ae7f4f13b2e3959946b344c3771d046112a0f910

View it on GitLab: https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/darshan/darshan/-/commit/c18e3501d055a2caeb8487047bcdc251ae0c07f0

View it on GitLab: https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/darshan/darshan/-/commit/c18e3501d055a2caeb8487047bcdc251ae0c07f0
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