[Darshan-commits] [Git][darshan/darshan][mmap-dev] remove old modularization design docs

Shane Snyder xgitlab at cels.anl.gov
Mon Jun 20 20:56:12 CDT 2016

Shane Snyder pushed to branch mmap-dev at darshan / darshan

bb75028f by Shane Snyder at 2016-06-20T20:50:29-05:00
remove old modularization design docs

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- − doc/darshan-modularization-design-notes.txt
- − doc/darshan-modularization-whiteboard.pdf


doc/darshan-modularization-design-notes.txt deleted
--- a/doc/darshan-modularization-design-notes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-Rough design notes on modularizing Darshan
-- Darshan is split into two parts (subdirs in the same repo):
-  - runtime: runtime instrumentation for MPI programs
-  - util: post-processing of logs
-Runtime design
-- current code has the following responsibilities:
-  - init:
-    - set up data structures
-  - during runtime:
-    - track file names and handles
-    - memory allocation
-    - intercepting function calls
-    - updating counters
-  - shutdown:
-    - identify shared files
-    - aggregation/reduction
-    - compression
-    - write log
-- propose division of code in modular runtime library:
-  (these aren't literally separate libraries, they are probably all
-  combined):
-  - core lib: 
-    - central component that modules register with, coordinates shutdown
-  - modules:
-    - posix, mpi-io, pnetcdf, hdf5, asg, etc.
-    - register with the core lib and track statistics for a single API
-  - common/utility lib:
-    - contains utility functions
-    - not mandatory for a module to use this, but may make things easier
-- responsibilities of core library:
-  - track file names and map them to generic IDs
-    (keep full path names)
-  - tell modules how much memory they can consume
-  - kick off shutdown procedure
-  - perform generic (zlib) compression
-- at shutdown time, the core library will:
-  - create output file
-  - write header and index information
-  - write out filename->ID mapping
-  - perform its own aggregation step to identify files shared across ranks
-- core API (presented by core library, used by modules):
-  - register(const char* name, int* runtime_mem_limit, struct mod_fns *mfns)
-    - lets module register with the core library, provide its name and table
-      of function pointers, and get back a limit on how much RAM it can
-      consume
-  - lookup_id(void* name, int len, int64* ID, int printable_flag);
-    - used by module to convert a file name to a generic ID.  printable_flag
-      tells Darshan that the "name" is not a string (as in ASG use case)
-- module API (will be function pointers in struct mod_fns above, this is the
-  API that each module must present to the core library)
-  - prep_for_shutdown()
-    - tells the module that it should stop instrumenting and perform any
-      module-specific aggregation or custom compression that it wants to do
-      before Darshan stores its results
-  - get_output(void **buffer, int size)
-    - called by core library to get a pointer to the data that should be
-      written into the log file.  Darshan will zlib compress it and put it
-      in the right position in the output file.
-- how will the asg module fit in?
-  - it doesn't have file names
-  - will pass in object IDs instead that will still get mapped to generic
-    Darshan IDs just like a file name would have
-    - set flag telling Darshan that the "name" won't be printable
-- compiler script:
-  - how much do we want to modularize here?
-  - don't need to do this initially, but we could have the compiler script
-    call out to a predefined directory to look for scripts or files that let
-    each module describe the linker arguments to add
-    - avoid extremely large ld arguments
-- utility library:
-  - this is the part run to process existing logs
-  - file format:
-    - header (endianness, version number, etc.)
-    - job information (cmd line, start time, end time, etc.)
-    - indices 
-      - location/size of name->id mapping table
-      - location/size of each module's opaque data (with name)
-    - table of name->id mapping
-      - needs to handle variable length names (some of which won't be
-        printable)
-      - format it however makes sense for parsing
-      - compress this part since it will often contain mostly text
-    - opaque blobs containing data for each module
-      - modules will refer to files using ID from name->id table, won't
-        store full paths here
-  - each module can define its own parser, grapher, etc. as needed
-  - for convenience we may integrate posix and mpi-io support into the default
-    darshan tools
-- development notes
-  - do development in git branch
-  - ignore compatibility (we'll work that out later)
-  - strip down to basic example
-    - just do one or two posix counters to start, but exercise all of the
-      API and code organization stuff

doc/darshan-modularization-whiteboard.pdf deleted
Binary files a/doc/darshan-modularization-whiteboard.pdf and /dev/null differ

View it on GitLab: https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/darshan/darshan/commit/bb75028f752975eabdd1725329d98df455ea8c20
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