[codes-ross-users] Replaying darshan log in separate environment.

Carns, Philip H. carns at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Sep 24 09:41:30 CDT 2018


I've attached an example script and configuration file that shows how to replay a Darshan log (on a real system with an MPI job, not in a CODES simulation) in case that is helpful.  If you are trying to run the workload in a simulation then there are some additional things you'll need to set up, but I think it will use some of the same configuration file format.

Be sure to look at the stdout and stderr from the replay.  If the workload generator encounters a pattern that it isn't sure how to handle, it will skip the file in question and print a warning.  You may have to update it to handle the patterns that you are interested in.


On 2018-09-21 11:02:53-04:00 codes-ross-users wrote:

I am trying to replicate the application I/O characteristics from a server in another server by using a darshan log.
I have installed CODES/ROSS and do have darshan log.
Although i have been reading wikis, i cannot find information on how to replay the darshan log.
Cods-io-workloads wiki does have some mention about darshan log but it is too abstract for me and i need some help.
Can anyone help to be replay the darshan log or even guild to a page with more detailed information?
Sorry that I'm new to CODES/ROSS and asking some basic question.
Thank you in advance
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