[cgma-dev] r3547 - cgm/trunk/geom/parallel

hongjun at mcs.anl.gov hongjun at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 18 15:29:20 CST 2010

Author: hongjun
Date: 2010-02-18 15:29:20 -0600 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 3547

o "FileOptions" name is changed to "CGMFileOptions" to avoid multiple definitions for linking both CGM and MOAB

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/CGMFileOptions.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/CGMFileOptions.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/CGMFileOptions.cpp	2010-02-18 21:29:20 UTC (rev 3547)
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+/**\file CGMFileOptions.cpp
+ *\ copied from MOAB
+ *\date 2009-06-11
+ */
+#include "CGMFileOptions.hpp"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+const char DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = ';';
+static inline bool strempty( const char* s ) { return !*s; }
+CGMFileOptions::CGMFileOptions( const char* str )
+  : mData(0)
+    // if option string is null, just return
+  if (!str)
+    return;
+    // check if alternate separator is specified
+  char separator[2] = { DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, '\0' };
+  if (*str == DEFAULT_SEPARATOR) {
+    ++str;
+    if (strempty(str))
+      return;
+    separator[0] = *str;
+    ++str;
+  }
+    // don't bother allocating copy of input string if
+    // input string is empty.
+  if (!strempty(str))
+  {
+       // tokenize at separator character
+    mData = strdup( str );
+    for (char* i = strtok( mData, separator ); i; i = strtok( 0, separator )) 
+      if (!strempty(i)) // skip empty strings
+        mOptions.push_back( i );
+  }
+CGMFileOptions::CGMFileOptions( const CGMFileOptions& copy ) :
+  mData(0), mOptions( copy.mOptions.size() )
+  if (!copy.mOptions.empty()) {
+    const char* last = copy.mOptions.back();
+    const char* endptr = last + strlen(last) + 1;
+    size_t len = endptr - copy.mData;
+    mData = (char*)malloc( len );
+    memcpy( mData, copy.mData, len );
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < mOptions.size(); ++i)
+      mOptions[i] = mData + (copy.mOptions[i] - copy.mData);
+  }
+CGMFileOptions& CGMFileOptions::operator=( const CGMFileOptions& copy )
+  free( mData );
+  mData = 0;
+  mOptions.resize( copy.mOptions.size() );
+  if (!copy.mOptions.empty()) {
+    const char* last = copy.mOptions.back();
+    const char* endptr = last + strlen(last) + 1;
+    size_t len = endptr - copy.mData;
+    mData = (char*)malloc( len );
+    memcpy( mData, copy.mData, len );
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < mOptions.size(); ++i)
+      mOptions[i] = mData + (copy.mOptions[i] - copy.mData);
+  }
+  return *this;
+  free( mData );
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::get_null_option( const char* name ) const
+  const char* s;
+  CGMFOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
+    return rval;
+  return strempty(s) ? FO_SUCCESS : FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::get_int_option( const char* name, int& value ) const
+  const char* s;
+  CGMFOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
+    return rval;
+    // empty string
+  if (strempty(s))
+    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+    // parse value
+  char* endptr;
+  long int pval = strtol( s, &endptr, 0 );
+  if (!strempty(endptr)) // syntax error
+    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+    // check for overflow (parsing long int, returning int)
+  value = pval;
+  if (pval != (long int)value)
+    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+  return FO_SUCCESS;
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::get_ints_option( const char* name, 
+                                          std::vector<int>& values) const
+  const char* s;
+  CGMFOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
+    return rval;
+    // empty string
+  if (strempty(s))
+    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+    // parse values
+  while (!strempty(s)) {
+    char* endptr;
+    long int sval = strtol( s, &endptr, 0 );
+#define EATSPACE(a) while ((!strncmp(a, " ", 1) ||	\
+			    !strncmp(a, ",", 1)) && !strempty(a)) a++;
+    //EATSPACE(endptr);
+    while ((!strncmp(endptr, " ", 1) ||
+	    !strncmp(endptr, ",", 1)) && !strempty(endptr)) {
+      endptr++;
+    }
+    long int eval = sval;
+    if (!strcmp(endptr, "-")) {
+      endptr++;
+      s = endptr;
+      eval = strtol(s, &endptr, 0);
+      EATSPACE(endptr);
+    }
+      // check for overflow (parsing long int, returning int)
+    int value = sval;
+    if (sval != (long int)value)
+      return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+    value = eval;
+    if (eval != (long int)value)
+      return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+    for (int i = sval; i <= eval; i++)
+      values.push_back(i);
+    s = endptr;
+  }
+  return FO_SUCCESS;
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::get_real_option ( const char* name, double& value ) const
+  const char* s;
+  CGMFOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
+    return rval;
+    // empty string
+  if (strempty(s))
+    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+    // parse value
+  char* endptr;
+  value = strtod( s, &endptr );
+  if (!strempty(endptr)) // syntax error
+    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+  return FO_SUCCESS;
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::get_str_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const
+  const char* s;
+  CGMFOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
+    return rval;
+  if (strempty(s))
+    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+  value = s;
+  return FO_SUCCESS;
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::get_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const
+  const char* s;
+  CGMFOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
+    return rval;
+  value = s;
+  return FO_SUCCESS;
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::get_option( const char* name, const char*& value ) const
+  std::vector<const char*>::const_iterator i;
+  for (i = mOptions.begin(); i != mOptions.end(); ++i) {
+    const char* opt = *i;
+    if (compare( name, opt )) {
+      value = opt + strlen(name);
+        // if compare returned true, next char after option
+        // name must be either the null char or an equals symbol.
+      if (*value == '=') 
+        ++value;
+      return FO_SUCCESS;
+    }
+  }
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::match_option( const char* name, 
+                                       const char* value ) const
+  int idx;
+  const char* array[] = { value, NULL };
+  return match_option( name, array, idx );
+CGMFOErrorCode CGMFileOptions::match_option( const char* name, 
+                                       const char* const* values, 
+                                       int& index ) const
+  const char* optval;
+  CGMFOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, optval );
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
+    return rval;
+  for (index = 0; values[index]; ++index)
+    if (compare( optval, values[index] ))
+      return FO_SUCCESS;
+  index = -1;
+  return FO_FAILURE;
+bool CGMFileOptions::compare( const char* name, const char* option )
+  while (!strempty(name) && toupper(*name) == toupper(*option)) {
+    ++name;
+    ++option;
+  }
+   // match if name matched option for length of name,
+   // and option either matched entirely or matches up to
+   // and equals sign.
+  return strempty(name) && (strempty(option) || *option == '=');
+void CGMFileOptions::get_options( std::vector<std::string>& list ) const
+  list.clear();
+  list.resize( mOptions.size() );
+  std::copy( mOptions.begin(), mOptions.end(), list.begin() );
+#ifdef TEST
+#include <iostream>
+#define CHECK(A) \
+  if (FO_SUCCESS != (A)) { \
+    std::cerr << "Failure at line " << __LINE__ << ": error code " << (A) << std::endl; \
+    return 1; \
+  }
+#define EQUAL(A,B) \
+  if (A != B) { \
+    std::cerr << "Failure at line " << __LINE__ << ": expected " << (B) << " but got " << (A) << std::endl; \
+    return 2; \
+  }
+int main()
+  CGMFileOptions tool( "INT1=1;NUL1;STR1=ABC;DBL1=1.0;dbl2=2.0;DBL3=3.0;INT2=2;nul2;NUL3;INT3=3;str2=once upon a time;str3==fubar=;;" );
+  std::string s;
+  int i;
+  double d;
+  CGMFOErrorCodeyy rval;
+    // test basic get_option method without deleting entry
+  rval = tool.get_option( "STR1", s );
+  CHECK(rval);
+  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
+    // test basic get_option method again, this time deleting the entry
+  rval = tool.get_option( "STR1", s );
+  CHECK(rval);
+  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
+    // test basig get_option method with a null option
+  rval = tool.get_option( "NUL2", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( s.empty(), true );
+    // test null option
+  rval = tool.get_null_option( "nul1" );
+  CHECK( rval );
+    // try null option method on non-null value
+  rval = tool.get_null_option( "INT1" ) ;
+    // test integer option
+  rval = tool.get_int_option( "int1", i );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( i, 1 );
+  rval = tool.get_int_option( "int2", i );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( i, 2 );
+    // test integer option on non-integer value
+  rval = tool.get_int_option( "dbl2", i );
+    // test integer option on null value
+  rval = tool.get_int_option( "NUL3", i);
+    // test double option
+  rval = tool.get_real_option( "dbl1", d );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( d, 1.0 );
+  rval = tool.get_real_option( "dbl2", d );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( d, 2.0 );
+  rval = tool.get_real_option( "int3", d );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( d, 3.0 );
+    // test real option on non-real value
+  rval = tool.get_real_option( "str2", d );
+    // test real option on null value
+  rval = tool.get_real_option( "NUL3", d );
+    // test get a simple string option
+  rval = tool.get_str_option( "DBL3", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( s, "3.0" );
+    // test get a string with spaces
+  rval = tool.get_str_option("STR2", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( s, "once upon a time" );
+    // try to get a string value for a null option
+  rval = tool.get_str_option( "nul3", s );
+    // test options using generic get_option method
+  rval = tool.get_option( "NUL3", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( s.empty(), true );
+  rval = tool.get_option( "STR3", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( s, "=fubar=" );
+    // test size of options string
+  unsigned l = tool.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 12u );
+    // test alternate separator
+  CGMFileOptions tool2( ";+OPT1=ABC+OPT2=" );
+  l = tool2.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 2 );
+  rval = tool2.get_option( "opt1", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
+  rval = tool2.get_option( "opt2", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  bool e = s.empty();
+  EQUAL( e, true );
+  l = tool2.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 2 );
+    // test empty options string
+  CGMFileOptions tool3( ";;;;" );
+  e = tool3.empty();
+  EQUAL( e, true );
+  l = tool3.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 0 );
+  CGMFileOptions tool4(NULL);
+  e = tool4.empty();
+  EQUAL( e, true );
+  l = tool4.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 0 );
+  CGMFileOptions tool5(";+");
+  e = tool5.empty();
+  EQUAL( e, true );
+  l = tool5.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 0 );
+    // test copy constructor
+  CGMFileOptions tool6( tool2 );
+  rval = tool6.get_option( "opt1", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
+  rval = tool6.get_option( "opt2", s );
+  CHECK( rval );
+  e = s.empty();
+  EQUAL( e, true );
+  l = tool6.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 2 );
+  CGMFileOptions tool7( tool5 );
+  e = tool7.empty();
+  EQUAL( e, true );
+  l = tool7.size();
+  EQUAL( l, 0 );
+    // test assignment operator
+  CGMFileOptions tool8( tool2 );
+  tool8 = tool;
+  EQUAL( tool8.size(), tool.size() );
+  return 0;

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/CGMFileOptions.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/CGMFileOptions.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/CGMFileOptions.hpp	2010-02-18 21:29:20 UTC (rev 3547)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+/**\file CGMFileOptions.hpp
+ *\copied from MOAB
+ *\date 2009-06-11
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+/* file option type */
+enum CGMFOErrorCode
+  FO_SUCCESS = 0,
+/**\brief Parse options string passed to file IO routines
+ *
+ * This is a utility class used by file-IO-related code to 
+ * parse the options string passed to ParallelMeshTool::load_file
+ */
+class CGMFileOptions {
+  /*\param options_string The concatenation of a list of 
+   *          options, separated either by the default separator
+   *          (semicolon) with a custom separator specified at
+   *          the beginning of the string (semicolon followed by
+   *          destired separator character.)
+   */
+  CGMFileOptions( const char* option_string );
+  CGMFileOptions( const CGMFileOptions& copy );
+  CGMFileOptions& operator=( const CGMFileOptions& copy );
+  ~CGMFileOptions();
+  /**\brief Check for option with no value 
+   *
+   * Check for an option w/out a value.
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
+   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but has value
+   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode get_null_option( const char* name ) const;
+  /**\brief Check for option with an integer value.
+   *
+   * Check for an option with an integer value
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param value Output. The value.
+   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
+   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not have an integer value
+   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode get_int_option( const char* name, int& value ) const;
+  /**\brief Check for option with a double value.
+   *
+   * Check for an option with a double value
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param value Output. The value.
+   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
+   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not have a double value
+   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode get_real_option( const char* name, double& value ) const;
+  /**\brief Check for option with any value.
+   *
+   * Check for an option with any value.
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param value Output. The value.
+   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
+   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not have a value
+   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode get_str_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const;
+  /**\brief Check for option 
+   *
+   * Check for an option
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param value The option value, or an empty string if no value.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode get_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const;
+  /**\brief Check the string value of an option
+   *
+   * Check which of a list of possible values a string option contains.
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param values A NULL-terminated array of C-style strings enumerating
+   *              the possible option values.
+   *\param index  Output: The index into <code>values</code> for the
+   *              option value.
+   *\return CUBIT_SUCCESS if matched name and value.
+   *        CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if the option was not specified
+   *        CUBIT_FAILURE if the option value is not in the input <code>values</code> array.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode match_option( const char* name, const char* const* values, int& index ) const;
+  /**\brief Check if an option matches a string value
+   *
+   * Check if the value for an option is the passed string.
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param value The expected value.
+   *\return CUBIT_SUCCESS if matched name and value.
+   *        CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if the option was not specified
+   *        CUBIT_FAILURE if the option value doesn't match the passed string/
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode match_option( const char* name, const char* value ) const;
+  /**\brief Check for option for which the value is a list of ints
+   *
+   * Check for an option which is an int list.  The value is expected to
+   * be a comma-separated list of int ranges, where an int range can be 
+   * either a single integer value or a range of integer values separated
+   * by a dash ('-').
+   *
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param values Output. The list of integer values.
+   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
+   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not contain an ID list
+   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode get_ints_option( const char* name, std::vector<int>& values) const;
+  /** number of options */
+  inline unsigned size() const 
+    { return mOptions.size(); }
+  /** true if no options */
+  inline bool empty() const 
+    { return mOptions.empty(); }
+  /** Get list of options */
+  void get_options( std::vector<std::string>& list ) const;
+  /**\brief Check for option 
+   *
+   * Check for an option
+   *\param name The option name
+   *\param value The option value, or an empty string if no value.
+   */
+  CGMFOErrorCode get_option( const char* name, const char*& value) const;
+  char* mData;
+  std::vector<const char*> mOptions;
+    /** Case-insensitive compare of name with option value. */
+  static bool compare( const char* name, const char* option );

Deleted: cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/FileOptions.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/FileOptions.cpp	2010-02-16 02:58:31 UTC (rev 3546)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/FileOptions.cpp	2010-02-18 21:29:20 UTC (rev 3547)
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-/**\file FileOptions.cpp
- *\ copied from MOAB
- *\date 2009-06-11
- */
-#include "FileOptions.hpp"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-const char DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = ';';
-static inline bool strempty( const char* s ) { return !*s; }
-FileOptions::FileOptions( const char* str )
-  : mData(0)
-    // if option string is null, just return
-  if (!str)
-    return;
-    // check if alternate separator is specified
-  char separator[2] = { DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, '\0' };
-  if (*str == DEFAULT_SEPARATOR) {
-    ++str;
-    if (strempty(str))
-      return;
-    separator[0] = *str;
-    ++str;
-  }
-    // don't bother allocating copy of input string if
-    // input string is empty.
-  if (!strempty(str))
-  {
-       // tokenize at separator character
-    mData = strdup( str );
-    for (char* i = strtok( mData, separator ); i; i = strtok( 0, separator )) 
-      if (!strempty(i)) // skip empty strings
-        mOptions.push_back( i );
-  }
-FileOptions::FileOptions( const FileOptions& copy ) :
-  mData(0), mOptions( copy.mOptions.size() )
-  if (!copy.mOptions.empty()) {
-    const char* last = copy.mOptions.back();
-    const char* endptr = last + strlen(last) + 1;
-    size_t len = endptr - copy.mData;
-    mData = (char*)malloc( len );
-    memcpy( mData, copy.mData, len );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < mOptions.size(); ++i)
-      mOptions[i] = mData + (copy.mOptions[i] - copy.mData);
-  }
-FileOptions& FileOptions::operator=( const FileOptions& copy )
-  free( mData );
-  mData = 0;
-  mOptions.resize( copy.mOptions.size() );
-  if (!copy.mOptions.empty()) {
-    const char* last = copy.mOptions.back();
-    const char* endptr = last + strlen(last) + 1;
-    size_t len = endptr - copy.mData;
-    mData = (char*)malloc( len );
-    memcpy( mData, copy.mData, len );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < mOptions.size(); ++i)
-      mOptions[i] = mData + (copy.mOptions[i] - copy.mData);
-  }
-  return *this;
-  free( mData );
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::get_null_option( const char* name ) const
-  const char* s;
-  FOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
-    return rval;
-  return strempty(s) ? FO_SUCCESS : FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::get_int_option( const char* name, int& value ) const
-  const char* s;
-  FOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
-    return rval;
-    // empty string
-  if (strempty(s))
-    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-    // parse value
-  char* endptr;
-  long int pval = strtol( s, &endptr, 0 );
-  if (!strempty(endptr)) // syntax error
-    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-    // check for overflow (parsing long int, returning int)
-  value = pval;
-  if (pval != (long int)value)
-    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-  return FO_SUCCESS;
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::get_ints_option( const char* name, 
-                                          std::vector<int>& values) const
-  const char* s;
-  FOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
-    return rval;
-    // empty string
-  if (strempty(s))
-    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-    // parse values
-  while (!strempty(s)) {
-    char* endptr;
-    long int sval = strtol( s, &endptr, 0 );
-#define EATSPACE(a) while ((!strncmp(a, " ", 1) ||	\
-			    !strncmp(a, ",", 1)) && !strempty(a)) a++;
-    //EATSPACE(endptr);
-    while ((!strncmp(endptr, " ", 1) ||
-	    !strncmp(endptr, ",", 1)) && !strempty(endptr)) {
-      endptr++;
-    }
-    long int eval = sval;
-    if (!strcmp(endptr, "-")) {
-      endptr++;
-      s = endptr;
-      eval = strtol(s, &endptr, 0);
-      EATSPACE(endptr);
-    }
-      // check for overflow (parsing long int, returning int)
-    int value = sval;
-    if (sval != (long int)value)
-      return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-    value = eval;
-    if (eval != (long int)value)
-      return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-    for (int i = sval; i <= eval; i++)
-      values.push_back(i);
-    s = endptr;
-  }
-  return FO_SUCCESS;
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::get_real_option ( const char* name, double& value ) const
-  const char* s;
-  FOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
-    return rval;
-    // empty string
-  if (strempty(s))
-    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-    // parse value
-  char* endptr;
-  value = strtod( s, &endptr );
-  if (!strempty(endptr)) // syntax error
-    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-  return FO_SUCCESS;
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::get_str_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const
-  const char* s;
-  FOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
-    return rval;
-  if (strempty(s))
-    return FO_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-  value = s;
-  return FO_SUCCESS;
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::get_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const
-  const char* s;
-  FOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, s );
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
-    return rval;
-  value = s;
-  return FO_SUCCESS;
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::get_option( const char* name, const char*& value ) const
-  std::vector<const char*>::const_iterator i;
-  for (i = mOptions.begin(); i != mOptions.end(); ++i) {
-    const char* opt = *i;
-    if (compare( name, opt )) {
-      value = opt + strlen(name);
-        // if compare returned true, next char after option
-        // name must be either the null char or an equals symbol.
-      if (*value == '=') 
-        ++value;
-      return FO_SUCCESS;
-    }
-  }
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::match_option( const char* name, 
-                                       const char* value ) const
-  int idx;
-  const char* array[] = { value, NULL };
-  return match_option( name, array, idx );
-FOErrorCode FileOptions::match_option( const char* name, 
-                                       const char* const* values, 
-                                       int& index ) const
-  const char* optval;
-  FOErrorCode rval = get_option( name, optval );
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != rval)
-    return rval;
-  for (index = 0; values[index]; ++index)
-    if (compare( optval, values[index] ))
-      return FO_SUCCESS;
-  index = -1;
-  return FO_FAILURE;
-bool FileOptions::compare( const char* name, const char* option )
-  while (!strempty(name) && toupper(*name) == toupper(*option)) {
-    ++name;
-    ++option;
-  }
-   // match if name matched option for length of name,
-   // and option either matched entirely or matches up to
-   // and equals sign.
-  return strempty(name) && (strempty(option) || *option == '=');
-void FileOptions::get_options( std::vector<std::string>& list ) const
-  list.clear();
-  list.resize( mOptions.size() );
-  std::copy( mOptions.begin(), mOptions.end(), list.begin() );
-#ifdef TEST
-#include <iostream>
-#define CHECK(A) \
-  if (FO_SUCCESS != (A)) { \
-    std::cerr << "Failure at line " << __LINE__ << ": error code " << (A) << std::endl; \
-    return 1; \
-  }
-#define EQUAL(A,B) \
-  if (A != B) { \
-    std::cerr << "Failure at line " << __LINE__ << ": expected " << (B) << " but got " << (A) << std::endl; \
-    return 2; \
-  }
-int main()
-  FileOptions tool( "INT1=1;NUL1;STR1=ABC;DBL1=1.0;dbl2=2.0;DBL3=3.0;INT2=2;nul2;NUL3;INT3=3;str2=once upon a time;str3==fubar=;;" );
-  std::string s;
-  int i;
-  double d;
-  FOErrorCodeyy rval;
-    // test basic get_option method without deleting entry
-  rval = tool.get_option( "STR1", s );
-  CHECK(rval);
-  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
-    // test basic get_option method again, this time deleting the entry
-  rval = tool.get_option( "STR1", s );
-  CHECK(rval);
-  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
-    // test basig get_option method with a null option
-  rval = tool.get_option( "NUL2", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( s.empty(), true );
-    // test null option
-  rval = tool.get_null_option( "nul1" );
-  CHECK( rval );
-    // try null option method on non-null value
-  rval = tool.get_null_option( "INT1" ) ;
-    // test integer option
-  rval = tool.get_int_option( "int1", i );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( i, 1 );
-  rval = tool.get_int_option( "int2", i );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( i, 2 );
-    // test integer option on non-integer value
-  rval = tool.get_int_option( "dbl2", i );
-    // test integer option on null value
-  rval = tool.get_int_option( "NUL3", i);
-    // test double option
-  rval = tool.get_real_option( "dbl1", d );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( d, 1.0 );
-  rval = tool.get_real_option( "dbl2", d );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( d, 2.0 );
-  rval = tool.get_real_option( "int3", d );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( d, 3.0 );
-    // test real option on non-real value
-  rval = tool.get_real_option( "str2", d );
-    // test real option on null value
-  rval = tool.get_real_option( "NUL3", d );
-    // test get a simple string option
-  rval = tool.get_str_option( "DBL3", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( s, "3.0" );
-    // test get a string with spaces
-  rval = tool.get_str_option("STR2", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( s, "once upon a time" );
-    // try to get a string value for a null option
-  rval = tool.get_str_option( "nul3", s );
-    // test options using generic get_option method
-  rval = tool.get_option( "NUL3", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( s.empty(), true );
-  rval = tool.get_option( "STR3", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( s, "=fubar=" );
-    // test size of options string
-  unsigned l = tool.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 12u );
-    // test alternate separator
-  FileOptions tool2( ";+OPT1=ABC+OPT2=" );
-  l = tool2.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 2 );
-  rval = tool2.get_option( "opt1", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
-  rval = tool2.get_option( "opt2", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  bool e = s.empty();
-  EQUAL( e, true );
-  l = tool2.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 2 );
-    // test empty options string
-  FileOptions tool3( ";;;;" );
-  e = tool3.empty();
-  EQUAL( e, true );
-  l = tool3.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 0 );
-  FileOptions tool4(NULL);
-  e = tool4.empty();
-  EQUAL( e, true );
-  l = tool4.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 0 );
-  FileOptions tool5(";+");
-  e = tool5.empty();
-  EQUAL( e, true );
-  l = tool5.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 0 );
-    // test copy constructor
-  FileOptions tool6( tool2 );
-  rval = tool6.get_option( "opt1", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  EQUAL( s, "ABC" );
-  rval = tool6.get_option( "opt2", s );
-  CHECK( rval );
-  e = s.empty();
-  EQUAL( e, true );
-  l = tool6.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 2 );
-  FileOptions tool7( tool5 );
-  e = tool7.empty();
-  EQUAL( e, true );
-  l = tool7.size();
-  EQUAL( l, 0 );
-    // test assignment operator
-  FileOptions tool8( tool2 );
-  tool8 = tool;
-  EQUAL( tool8.size(), tool.size() );
-  return 0;

Deleted: cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/FileOptions.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/FileOptions.hpp	2010-02-16 02:58:31 UTC (rev 3546)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/FileOptions.hpp	2010-02-18 21:29:20 UTC (rev 3547)
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/**\file FileOptions.hpp
- *\copied from MOAB
- *\date 2009-06-11
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "CubitDefines.h"
-/* file option type */
-enum FOErrorCode
-  FO_SUCCESS = 0,
-/**\brief Parse options string passed to file IO routines
- *
- * This is a utility class used by file-IO-related code to 
- * parse the options string passed to ParallelMeshTool::load_file
- */
-class FileOptions {
-  /*\param options_string The concatenation of a list of 
-   *          options, separated either by the default separator
-   *          (semicolon) with a custom separator specified at
-   *          the beginning of the string (semicolon followed by
-   *          destired separator character.)
-   */
-  FileOptions( const char* option_string );
-  FileOptions( const FileOptions& copy );
-  FileOptions& operator=( const FileOptions& copy );
-  ~FileOptions();
-  /**\brief Check for option with no value 
-   *
-   * Check for an option w/out a value.
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
-   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but has value
-   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode get_null_option( const char* name ) const;
-  /**\brief Check for option with an integer value.
-   *
-   * Check for an option with an integer value
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param value Output. The value.
-   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
-   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not have an integer value
-   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode get_int_option( const char* name, int& value ) const;
-  /**\brief Check for option with a double value.
-   *
-   * Check for an option with a double value
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param value Output. The value.
-   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
-   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not have a double value
-   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode get_real_option( const char* name, double& value ) const;
-  /**\brief Check for option with any value.
-   *
-   * Check for an option with any value.
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param value Output. The value.
-   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
-   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not have a value
-   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode get_str_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const;
-  /**\brief Check for option 
-   *
-   * Check for an option
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param value The option value, or an empty string if no value.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode get_option( const char* name, std::string& value ) const;
-  /**\brief Check the string value of an option
-   *
-   * Check which of a list of possible values a string option contains.
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param values A NULL-terminated array of C-style strings enumerating
-   *              the possible option values.
-   *\param index  Output: The index into <code>values</code> for the
-   *              option value.
-   *\return CUBIT_SUCCESS if matched name and value.
-   *        CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if the option was not specified
-   *        CUBIT_FAILURE if the option value is not in the input <code>values</code> array.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode match_option( const char* name, const char* const* values, int& index ) const;
-  /**\brief Check if an option matches a string value
-   *
-   * Check if the value for an option is the passed string.
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param value The expected value.
-   *\return CUBIT_SUCCESS if matched name and value.
-   *        CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if the option was not specified
-   *        CUBIT_FAILURE if the option value doesn't match the passed string/
-   */
-  FOErrorCode match_option( const char* name, const char* value ) const;
-  /**\brief Check for option for which the value is a list of ints
-   *
-   * Check for an option which is an int list.  The value is expected to
-   * be a comma-separated list of int ranges, where an int range can be 
-   * either a single integer value or a range of integer values separated
-   * by a dash ('-').
-   *
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param values Output. The list of integer values.
-   *\return - CUBIT_SUCCESS if option is found
-   *        - CUBIT_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE if options is found, but does not contain an ID list
-   *        - CUBIT_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND if option is not found.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode get_ints_option( const char* name, std::vector<int>& values) const;
-  /** number of options */
-  inline unsigned size() const 
-    { return mOptions.size(); }
-  /** true if no options */
-  inline bool empty() const 
-    { return mOptions.empty(); }
-  /** Get list of options */
-  void get_options( std::vector<std::string>& list ) const;
-  /**\brief Check for option 
-   *
-   * Check for an option
-   *\param name The option name
-   *\param value The option value, or an empty string if no value.
-   */
-  FOErrorCode get_option( const char* name, const char*& value) const;
-  char* mData;
-  std::vector<const char*> mOptions;
-    /** Case-insensitive compare of name with option value. */
-  static bool compare( const char* name, const char* option );

Modified: cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/Makefile.am
--- cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/Makefile.am	2010-02-16 02:58:31 UTC (rev 3546)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/Makefile.am	2010-02-18 21:29:20 UTC (rev 3547)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 libcubit_parallel_la_SOURCES = \
     CGMProcConfig.cpp \
     CGMParallelComm.cpp \
-    FileOptions.cpp \
+    CGMFileOptions.cpp \
 # The non-template headers
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@
     CGMmpi_config.h \
     CGMProcConfig.hpp \
     CGMParallelComm.hpp \
-    FileOptions.hpp \
+    CGMFileOptions.hpp \

Modified: cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/ParallelGeomTool.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/ParallelGeomTool.cpp	2010-02-16 02:58:31 UTC (rev 3546)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/parallel/ParallelGeomTool.cpp	2010-02-18 21:29:20 UTC (rev 3547)
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 #include "CubitEntity.hpp"
 #include "CastTo.hpp"
 #include "CubitUtil.hpp"
+#include "CubitAttrib.hpp"
+#include "CADefines.hpp"
 #include "TopologyBridge.hpp"
 #include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
@@ -60,11 +62,11 @@
 					const int* set_tag_values,
 					int num_set_tag_values) 
-  FileOptions opts(options);
+  CGMFileOptions opts(options);
   // Get parallel settings
   int parallel_mode;
-  FOErrorCode result = opts.match_option("PARALLEL", CGMparallelOptsNames, 
+  CGMFOErrorCode result = opts.match_option("PARALLEL", CGMparallelOptsNames, 
   if (FO_FAILURE == result) {
     PRINT_ERROR( "Unexpected value for 'PARALLEL' option\n" );
@@ -215,7 +217,7 @@
 					std::vector<int> &partition_tag_vals, 
 					bool distrib,
 					std::vector<int> &pa_vec,
-					const FileOptions &opts,
+					const CGMFileOptions &opts,
 					const char* set_tag_name,
 					const int* set_tag_values,
 					const int num_set_tag_values,

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