[AG-TECH] unicast + multicast

artrimino at us.es artrimino at us.es
Thu Oct 21 05:51:35 CDT 2010

Hi everyone.

At the University of Seville, we're having AccessGrid meetings with some 
other Spanish Universities. Some of them have multicast capabilities, 
some others don't. The session seems to work fine until, at some 
particular moment, those participants using a unicast bridge are not 
able to see nor hear those using multicast.  Two perfectly isolated 
groups (connected to the same venue) are created.

Any suggestions?

Ángel Rincón Trimiño.
Servicio de Informática y Comunicaciones.
Universidad de Sevilla.
Edificio Rojo.
Despacho 1.26.
Avenida Reina Mercedes s/n.
Tfn: 954559991.
E-mail: artrimino at us.es.

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