[AG-TECH] Venue Server help

Thomas Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Aug 6 11:03:04 CDT 2009

On Aug 6, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Vine, Derek A wrote:

> Greetings all.
> We have had a venue server running for a little over a year now and  
> I was never able to add any other exits besides the default lobby.   
> Whenever I add a new exit and try to access it from our node I get  
> the following error: Error entering venue, getaddinfo failed.  Is  
> there some sort of security setting that I am missing?

Can you send the relevant info from the VenueClient.log file? I  
suspect a problem with determining the hostname, which would result in  
an unreachable Venue address.
> The venue server is running on Windows server 2003 and is based off  
> of the 3.2 beta 1 all-in-one installer.
> Also, what do I edit to change the location where venue FTP files  
> are saved (ie. The data, services and application sessions).  The  
> default is in Application Data of the user and I need to move it to  
> a different drive.

The location of downloaded files can not be configured by the user, at  
this time. You should file an enhancement request to that end. It  
would be simple to add.


> Thank you in advance.
> Derek Vine
> Communication Network Specialist
> DDN Site Coordinator
> The University of South Dakota
> Office - 605-677-5042
> Cell - 605-677-8215
> dvine at usd.edu

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