[AG-TECH] bridge not in central registry

Fred Dech fdech at uchicago.edu
Fri Mar 30 11:22:23 CDT 2007

It's useful to be able to tell remote sites to use your bridge, but you
are right, it won't always show up in their bridge list.  It won't always
show up in Your bridge list.  Sometimes my bridge won't make my client's
list even when the last bridge in the list is about a 10 second ping away..?

So increasing the number of bridges from the registry that will populate
your bridge list won't necessarily guarantee that your bridge (perhaps in
the same subnet) will make your list, let alone someone else's.


On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 09:44PM, Kaizaad Bilimorya said:
> Hello,
> We are running a bridge server that seems to drop out from the central 
> registry http://www.accessgrid.org/registry/peers.txt
> Physically, the bridge doesn't seem to loose network connectivity, but 
> when a client starts up and gets the list of bridges, sometimes our bridge 
> is not there. After waiting a few minutes and then restarting the client, 
> the bridge shows up in the list:
> Bridge	 Host             Port  Type        Status  Distance PortRange 
> ------   ----             ----  ----        -----   -------- ----------
> SHARCNET agbs.sharcnet.ca 20000 QuickBridge Enabled 0.0160   50000-50200
> I can actually just run the "RegistryClient.py" command (from the bridge 
> itself) and sometimes I see it listed but then on the next run it is gone.
> name: SHARCNET  host: agbs.sharcnet.ca  port: 20000  dist:0.0015721321106
> name: UofC  host: bullet.uchicago.edu  port: 20200  dist:0.0685670375824
> name: Argonne  host: milton.mcs.anl.gov  port: 8030  dist:0.0720429420471
> name: WestGrid  host: venueserver2.westgrid.ca  port: 20000  
> dist:0.172122955322
> name: NIEeS  host: agiraffe.niees.group.cam.ac.uk  port: 29999  
> dist:0.353329181671
> name: AGSC  host: sam.ag.manchester.ac.uk  port: 1992  dist:0.359209060669
> name: onlyfinland  host: vy216.ucs.fi  port: 20000  dist:0.452105998993
> name: APAG  host: vv3.ap-accessgrid.org  port: 20000  dist:0.751379966736
> name: JCU  host: hpc-external.jcu.edu.au  port: 20000  dist:0.772580862045
> name: Sheridan  host: oa-ag3-venue.sheridanc.on.ca  port: 20000  dist:8.37
> I think it is dropping out of the registry because I would expect it to be 
> first in the list since it is the closest. Even when I increase the 
> "LookupBridge(self, maxToReturn=20):" it still is not listed some of the 
> time.
> Any insight would be helpful
> thanks
> -k

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