[AG-TECH] YUV411 (and 422) to RGB in VIC

Sam Gundry sgundry at vpac.org
Wed Feb 7 00:08:18 CST 2007


I wish to write the image data from VIC to shared memory. However, I 
would like this to be in RGB format beforehand.

At the moment, I copy the image data during the Decoder::render_frame() 
function (in ./codec/decoder.cpp).  After the line: YuvFrame f(now_, 
(u_int8_t*)frm, rvts_, inw_, inh_), I write to the shared memory, say, 
like this: setMemory(f.bp_).

Before I write to memory, I would like to convert f.bp_ which is either 
in YUV411 or YUV422 format (I am restricting myself to these at the 
moment), to RGB. I've noticed that ./render/rgb-converter.cpp might have 
some relevant conversion functions but have not been able to figure it 

I have considered converting the data directly myself, however, after 
some attempts, I haven't been successful. I have managed to display a 
black & white image (the Y component?) but when I try to get color (the 
UV parts), it all goes pear shaped.

I was wondering if somebody knows the format of the YUV411 and YUV422 in 
VIC? I have tried to convert YUV411 from uYYvYY and YUV422 from uYvY to 
no avail. Are these the correct formats (and consequently, my conversion 
is all mucked up)?

When I write the image data out to a RAW file, a YUV viewer program can 
open the file successfully.

I appreciate any advice/suggestions.

Centre for Computational Prototyping
Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing

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