[AG-TECH] Access Grid 3.1 Release Available

Thomas D. Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Dec 21 13:42:11 CST 2007

The Access Grid 3.1 software is available for download at:


This is a minor release of the Access Grid software to introduce
new functionality and address known bugs.

     * Inclusion of media tools from Sumover project
     * Improvements to unicast bridging
           o VenueClient displays full list of bridges (instead
             of limiting list to ten)
           o Maintains bridge cache in the background
           o User preferences for whether and how often to order
             bridges by proximity; for refreshing the bridge cache
             manually; and, for user-specified bridge ordering
           o Support for multiple bridge registries
     * Support for organization of Venue data into folders
     * Displays timestamps in Jabber chat
     * Support for SharedPresentation on Mac
     * Significantly reduced Venue Client startup time
     * Support for certificate-based Venue access control
     * Support for plugins

For full information on this release, including a complete listing
of the bugs fixed, see the official release page.

As always, user feedback is welcome. Please file feature requests,
bug reports, and enhancement requests via the Access Grid Bugzilla
page at http://bugzilla.mcs.anl.gov/accessgrid.

Thanks to everyone involved for their hard work.

The Access Grid Developers

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