[AG-TECH] Certificates doubts

carlosperezs at alumnos.uvigo.es carlosperezs at alumnos.uvigo.es
Sun Jun 18 09:42:43 CDT 2006

Halloo together:

I come from the University of Vigo, Galiza, Spanien. It hat several Venue
Servers for AccessGrid. One of them, is use to test Sw.
What I would like to do is to create a Certificate Server for this Venue Server
and for the clients that will use this Venues Server, in order to be uusedthis
Venue only by little users. Is it possibly?

Besides i have 2 doubts about the certificates:

When I connect to a Venue Server, my client venue send my anonym certificate. 
The server validate it and send to my client its own certificate. After , occurs

the mutual autenthification . Is it correct?

For the validityng process venue server asks to the Certificate Authoritat
(Argonne ) if my Certificate is or not out of date. s it correct?

thank you Tom.


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