[AG-TECH]Question: Any uses of Virtual Reality or 3-D Imaging in the AG?

John Langkals langkals at pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu
Thu Jan 5 15:48:35 CST 2006

Hello AG Tech,

I am very interested if you have been using commercial virtual reality
technology or 3 D projection, modeling, or polarized projection to enhance
your AG viewing experiences. Commercial and homebrew examples and
recommendations of technology from any field of study are welcome.  As I
feel the AG is the state of the art in 2-D room immersion conferencing, do
we see a future with the 3-D technology developing within the Access Grid
let alone other videoconferencing technologies?

Thank you,


John Langkals
Systems Manager
M2021 Physics Research Building
191 West Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
614.292.6957 Office
614.327.3732 Cell
614.292.7557 FAX

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