[AG-TECH] AG tools on SPARC/SOlaris platforms?

S.Booth spb at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Feb 3 03:40:45 CST 2005

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Ivan R. Judson wrote:

H'mm I seem to have been very confusing in what I said. Sorry about that.

> > Well I'm sitting at a Sun desktop at the moment so I'm 
> > interested but its difficult to justify too much effort in 
> > this direction.
> How come it's hard to justify the effort? I'd be interested in the
> reasoning...

I meant I'M to busy to put much time in myself not that the exercise
itself is not a great idea. 


> > 
> > I have used the UCL sparc versions to monitor AG sessions 
> > from my desk The one issue I have seen is some Solaris sound 
> > capture setups seem to impose a very long time delay. Its 
> > probably worth checking manually run vic/rat works ok before 
> > pushing ahead with the python stuff.
> It's a good idea to get the basic C/C++ based media tools verified, but that
> last sentence seems to imply there's a performance relationship between the
> media tools and python layer of the toolkit which is quite untrue. The most
> interaction that occurs is equivalent (if not exactly) forking and killing
> the media tool processes, which should transfer any performance issues from
> the python layer to the tools.
That implication was not intended at all. I only meant to warn that I have
had problems with the solaris sound system in the past and that it
would be prudent to check for problems in that area early on in case its
a major show-stopper. 

|epcc| Dr Stephen P Booth             Project Manager           |epcc|
|epcc| s.booth at epcc.ed.ac.uk          Phone 0131 650 5746       |epcc|

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