[AG-TECH] AG 2.3 on RedHat 9

Douglas Kosovic douglask at itee.uq.edu.au
Wed Sep 29 21:35:10 CDT 2004

Hi Andrew,

> A quick note re. installing AG 2.3 on RedHat 9 (still one of our standard
> desktops):
> FC1 Packages from http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~grangenet/ag_fedora/  (thanks
> Doug)
>  wget -r -nd -np -A rpm \
>    http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~grangenet/ag_fedora/FC1/stable/RPMS/
> rpm -Uvh PyXML-0.8.3-1.i386.rpm (upgrade to PyXML-0.8.3-1.i386.rpm from
>   FC1 distribution)
> rpm -hi *.rpm  (install most 2.3 packages normally)
> rpm -hi AccessGrid-2.3-3.i386.rpm --nodeps
> (python-2.2.3 requires libdb-4.1, don't want to go there as sendmail etc.
>  use db4)

I've put up a new AccessGrid-2.3-4.i386.rpm in the FC1/RPMS dir which has 
dropped the python >= 2.2.3 requirement. So --nodeps hopefully shouldn't be 
required on RH9. (I didn't increase the AccessGrid RPM revision number to 
avoid FC1 up2date users being notified of an update which has no impact on 

> Use Rat from AG 2.1 or 2.2 (rat-media won't work on RH9 - maybe
>     due to Alsa patch)

Could be, one person I know using FC1 without the alsa driver installed 
reported that the rat GUI wasn't coming up, but I wasn't able to reproduce 
the problem. Some people also reported that compiling rat with an older gcc 
fixed the problem.

> - copy /etc/AccessGrid/NodeServices/AudioService.zip from
> AccessGrid-2.2-6
>  - horrible hack to get 2.2 into tempdir/etc as non-root user :
>  rpm -r tempdir -i AccessGrid-2.2-6.i386.rpm --nodeps \
>    --relocate=/=tempdir 2>/dev/null
>  cp tempdir/etc/AccessGrid/NodeServices/AudioService.zip \
>    /etc/AccessGrid/NodeServices
>  rm tempdir/*
> or just install the 2.2 rpm normally, grab AudioService.zip then upgrade
> to 2.3 ...
> using this recipe, the venueclient and media seem to work, at any rate

Glad to hear, thanks for the RH9 recipe.


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