[AG-TECH] AG 2.1.x

jim.senechal at ndsu.nodak.edu jim.senechal at ndsu.nodak.edu
Thu Feb 5 11:49:27 CST 2004

Ok, someone has probably covered this before, but I have once again been
able to get back to doing work on the new AG sofware and I have having
some difficulties.  4 machine node, xp setup seems fine, Linux RH 8 on
audio and video machines.  Certificates done.  I start service managers on
all 3, and when I start the venue client I get this message in the service
manager on my windows xp box:

Found id certs  [<AccessGrid.CertificateRepository.CertificateDescriptor
e at 0x0114BB20>]
Default ident  [<AccessGrid.CertificateRepository.CertificateDescriptor
 at 0x0114B9F8>]
CA cert /C=US/O=Globus/CN=Globus Certification Authority: hash=42864e48
Documents and Settings\ndsuag\Application
CA cert /O=Access Grid/OU=agdev-ca.mcs.anl.gov/CN=Access Grid Developers
CA: has
h=45cc9e80 dest=C:\Documents and Settings\ndsuag\Application
done, success= 1
AGServiceManager URL:  https://agdisplay.ndsu.nodak.edu:12000/ServiceManager
Running Service; options: C:\Python22\python.exe ['C:\\Documents and
Data\\AccessGrid\\local_services\\VideoConsumerService.py', 5
Trying client handle
Wait another sec for service to boot
 - elapsedTries =  0
Trying client handle
Wait another sec for service to boot
 - elapsedTries =  1
Trying client handle
Starting server at https://agdisplay.ndsu.nodak.edu:51844/Service
* * Service handle is valid !

Somehow it is not communicating with the linux boxes from what I see here.
 Client handle?  did I put in the wrong name of the Linux machines?  Not
enough of the name?  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks

Jim Senechal

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