[AG-TECH] grid-proxy-info & init

Robert Olson olson at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Feb 2 08:53:49 CST 2004

Why do you need to run grid-proxy-init? Is it for the AG software, or for 
other apps using the certificate?

Any of the AG tools requiring a proxy should be invoking the AGTk 
mechanisms for creating them, and not relying on grid-proxy-init.


At 04:48 PM 2/1/2004, Christoph Willing wrote:
>This isn't really a bug, more of a feature request -
>New identity certificates aquired recently are issued by AG Developers
>and, in Linux systems, are stored in the user's .AccessGrid directory
>tree. The previously issued Globus identity certificates were stored in
>the user's .globus directory.
>Although grid-proxy-info is able find these newer certificates and
>report on them, grid-proxy-init will not work. It looks in the .globus
>directory, which doesn't exist for the newer certificates. The actual
>output is:
>~$ grid-proxy-init
>user certificate not found
>         Cert File=/var/lib/ag/.globus/usercert.pem
>Function: proxy_init_cred
>The -cert and -key options to grid-proxy-init will work to make
>grid-proxy-init look in different locations, but these locations are
>horrendously error-prone e.g for one particular machine, I need to type:
>grid-proxy-init -key
>Could grid-proxy-init be modified to be as smart as grid-proxy-info in
>searching for certificates i.e. that it automatically searches the
>.AccessGrid tree?
>Chris Willing                      Telephone   (61-2) 9351 3914
>Sydney Vislab, F09                      Fax    (61-2) 9351 5955
>University of Sydney
>NSW 2006 Australia                http://www.vislab.usyd.edu.au

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