[AG-TECH] room node certificates

S.Booth spb at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Tue Sep 30 05:48:37 CDT 2003

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Ivan R. Judson wrote:

> This is almost exactly correct, with the added benefit that the Node Service
> and Service Manager will hopefully be started at system boot time
> automatically :-)

I guess if the Service Manager starts at boot time we really need Audio
and video services that don't start GUIs so don't require anyone to be
logged into the capture/audio nodes. 
This is fine for the video-capture as nobody adjusts the video settings by
hand anyway. 
For audio it is less clear cut as its often useful to tweak the audio
during a session. 
Luckily there is an obvious solution. RAT already has seperate processes
for the GUI and the audio engine that communicate via multicast
packets. its a relatively minor change to the source to allow the GUI and
the audio engine to run on seperate machines.

So what we need are seperate services for audio capture and audio control
so we can run the gui on the display machine even if there is a seperate
audio machine in the node.


|epcc| Dr Stephen P Booth             Project Manager           |epcc|
|epcc| s.booth at epcc.ed.ac.uk          Phone 0131 650 5746       |epcc|

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