[AG-TECH] NCSA venues moo host and port?

Leslie Arvin arvin at stat.purdue.edu
Thu Jan 30 12:22:02 CST 2003

It's possible that's what happened.  I think our operator for that
event may have opened the browser window on our display machine
the afternoon before in preparation for the event.  Thanks for
the info.

-- Leslie Arvin
   arvin at purdue.edu
   Purdue University Access Grid

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Shawn Davis wrote:

> MOO Server: venues.ncsa.uiuc.edu:7777
> As long as you are logged in and have created your MOO character, there
> should be no reason for it not to launch the moo on your computer.  We
> perform that task exactly the same way as ANL's venues server does it.
> The only thing that could have happened is that your session timed out on
> the server and your browser ignored the refresh routines I have in the
> pages to prevent this from happening.  But this still would have required
> that you let your browser sit still for a few hours between the time you
> loaded the meeting info page and then later clicked "Launch Now".
> -Shawn Davis
> At 12:30 PM 1/30/2003 -0500, Leslie Arvin wrote:
> >Purdue University recently attended an Access Grid event on the NCSA
> >venues and when we connected to the venues through the NCSA AG Schedule,
> >we were not automatically connected to the NCSA moo.  We were therefore
> >unable to get the VNC password for the event.  What is the Host and Port
> >for the NCSA venues moo for manual emergency workaround in case this
> >happens again?
> >
> >-- Leslie Arvin
> >    arvin at purdue.edu
> >    Programmer
> >    Purdue University Access Grid

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