[AG-TECH] AG as general teleconferencing tool?

Roberts, Ian E ian.roberts at pnl.gov
Thu Feb 14 09:22:27 CST 2002

When we have meetings that use the more unstable and collaborative tools, I
usually stay in the room. Sometimes I bring a laptop in to do other work during
the meeting. I also have about four other people I can call upon to run the node
if I'm not available to do it. It helps that we have a second node across the
street in the EMSL now so there are more of us around who know how to run it.

	From: 	David E. Bernholdt
	Reply To: 	bernholdtde at ornl.gov
	Sent: 	Thursday, February 14, 2002 6:08 AM
	To: 	Roberts, Ian E
	Cc: 	ag-tech at mcs.anl.gov; bernholdtde at ornl.gov
	Subject: 	Re: [AG-TECH] AG as general teleconferencing tool?

	> We are still working on a pricing system to be able to afford
upgrades, etc.
	> For now, our staff pay for an operator's time to get the meeting
	> and started. For most meetings, I charge one hour of time to their
	> enough to get it going and then be on call if they need me.


	I would be very interested in the model you come up with -- something
	similar might be useful here.  

	It sounds like you pretty much get things started and then leave
	people on their own.  Is this always the case, even when they're using
	DPPT, VNC, etc.?  I've taken a similar approach so far here -- asking
	users to nominate someone from the group to learn how to run ths node.
	My "day job" is research -- building and running the AG is something I
	did on the side, so I'm unwilling to spend all my time running the
	node for other peoples' meetings.  Our usage isn't very high yet, but
	today and tomorrow will be a good test of this approach.

	David E. Bernholdt                   |   Email: bernholdtde at ornl.gov 
	Oak Ridge National Laboratory        |   Phone: +1 (865) 574 3147    
	http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~bernhold/   |   Fax:   +1 (865) 574 0680    

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