[AG-TECH] echo-cancellation on the cheap?

David E. Bernholdt bernhold at jumby.csm.ornl.gov
Fri Feb 1 10:51:30 CST 2002


Yes, I've heard a little about the work on small nodes being done by
Insors, Imprint, and Microsoft, though not much detail.  It does seem
it should be possible to do lower cost installations.  

For better or worse, I'm primarily going to be a user of such
developments, not a developer myself.  So I look to discussions on
this list to find out what people are trying, and works and doesn't in
lower-cost configurations.  And also to keep an eye out for ideas that
fit my (money and time) budget to experiment with myself.

> Have you tried using the VRVS AG support for receiving an AG seminar of 
> interest?

I haven't, mainly because I got the idea from previous postings to
this list that the AG folks didn't like VRVS because it put
constraints on the AG side of the show.  

More recently I was speaking to someone who suggested that that
applied to people trying to use H.323 on the VRVS side, but you could
use vic/rat on the VRVS side and it worked without constraint on the
AG side.  It makes sense, but I haven't tried it.
David E. Bernholdt                   |   Email: bernholdtde at ornl.gov 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory        |   Phone: +1 (865) 574 3147    
http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~bernhold/   |   Fax:   +1 (865) 574 0680    

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