[AG-TECH] how to reserve the secure room?

Supreeya Miller Supreeya.Miller at usm.edu
Tue Feb 12 09:51:09 CST 2002


I went to the AG schedule website and read the note on the secure room that
it is for a special request.  Then I went to Reserve a Virtual Venue
website.  There is no secure room choice in the Requested venue list.  Could
someone tell me how to reserve a secure room?  and how to use it?  I looked
in the AGdocumentation, I could not find it.

Thank you.

Supreeya Miller
System Administrator/Visualization Researcher/Access Grid Coordinator
High Performance Visualization Center
Center of Higher Learning
Building 1103
Stennis Space Center, MS  39539
Phone: 228-688-2190
Fax:   228-688-7454
E-mail:Supreeya.Miller at usm.edu

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