[AG-TECH] Bridgeport Room

richardc at cs.utah.edu richardc at cs.utah.edu
Mon Feb 4 12:14:01 CST 2002

We were supposed to be in the secure room this morning with NSF. Two bad 
things happened: one, the secure login wasn't working, and two, 
multicast sending from Utah to NSF (as well as a handful of other 
.gov's) was down.

Barbara, Doug, and I moved rooms when we were unable to log into the 
secure server.

We're currently trying to diagnose why we are not sending multicast to 
great number of sites right now; more news later!

Sorry for any inconvenience,
Richard C.
SCI Institute

On Monday, February 4, 2002, at 09:10 AM, Douglas Gatchell wrote:

> My apologies. It was a misunderstanding on our end. Thanks for bringing 
> it to our attention.
> Doug
> At 07:54 AM 2/4/2002 -0700, Don Morton wrote:
> Does anybody know why NSF CISE is doing a proposal review live in
> Bridgeport Room??  I had reserved this last Thursday, but it never
> made the scheduler and now NSF is in there (and frankly, the proposal
> review is interesting, even though I probably shouldn't be listening
> to it!!!).....
> :)
> --
> Don Morton                   http://MRoCCS.cs.umt.edu/~morton/
> Department of Computer Science       The University of Montana
> Missoula, MT 59812 | Voice (406) 243-4975 | Fax (406) 243-5139
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