[AG-TECH] Japan AG nodes

Hiroyuki Komatsu komatsu at taiyaki.org
Thu Apr 26 23:06:48 CDT 2001

Hi Jeff,

At Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:49:51 -0500,
Jeffrey Eschbach wrote:
> I was looking for a list of AG nodes that includes international sites,
> both already working and planned for the future.   Anyone have an online
> list or just know offhand?  I couldn't find any at international sites
> on ANL's page (http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/fl/accessgrid/ag-nodes.htm),
> but I'm sure some are out there.  I'm specifically interested to know
> of any that are underway in Japan.

There're already two AG test nodes at TITECH and AIST in Japan.
  TITECH  http://www.titech.ac.jp/
  AIST    http://www.aist.go.jp/

We've succeeded exchanging pictures between ANL and both TITECH and
AIST via 'vtc'.  We're currently preparing multicast environment, and
going to set it up in May.

And I've heard that Kyushu Univ. will have an AG node.
  Kyushu Univ.  http://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ (Japanese)

Hiroyuki Komatsu

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