PETSc Tutorial Big Thanks

Leslie Southern leslie at
Fri Oct 27 15:01:57 CDT 2000


Just wanted to let everyone know that the PETSc Tutorial over the AG was
very well received. Also wanted to acknowledge the number of people who
were involved in making it happen. It was held October 17 & 18. The
PETSc developers, Barry and Satish, from ANL provided instruction to
audiences at 7 sites. 

Argonne National Laboratory, Boston University, NCSA, North Dakota State
University, OSC, University of Kentucky, University of New Mexico, and
University of Utah participated. 

Special thanks go to Barry Smith, Satish Balay, Lisa Childers, and Terry
Disz; Russ Wolf, Wayne, and Jennifer Teig von Hoffman; George Estes,
Jeff Carpenter, Beth Richardson and Leslie Davison; Marty Hoag; Dennis
Sessanna, Brian Powell, and Elaine Landwehr; Vickram Gazula and  Michael
Sheetz; and Jeff Shuckra, John Greenfield, Evans Craig, and Andy Pineda.

Thanks to NCSA for providing the voice and back channels.


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