[AG-DEV] AG 3.2 RPM pre-beta SVN snapshots for Fedora and RHEL

Christoph Willing c.willing at uq.edu.au
Tue Jun 24 08:12:55 CDT 2008

On 24/06/2008, at 5:03 PM, Douglas Kosovic wrote:

> As 'agpm --post-install' in the RPM postinstall step is creating  
> the ~/.AccessGrid3/ dir and sub dirs when sudo is used, I might put  
> in a
> 'su -c "agpm --post-install"' as a workaround which will cause it  
> to create ~root/.AccessGrid3 instead.

Good idea - then people won't have to remember any special options  
for sudo.


> I'll modify the RPM once I'm back at work later in the week.
> Doug
> Christoph Willing wrote:
>> Todd Zimmerman wrote:
>>> Christoph Willing wrote:
>>>> I've noticed that a sudo quirk can be responsible for some  
>>>> entries (sometimes all entries) in .AccessGrid3 being owned by  
>>>> root.
>>> Interesting.  On install, I did a  'sudo rpm -Uvh AccessGrid...'  
>>> from an existing non root account.  So the RPM install creates  
>>> a .AccessGrid3 subdirectory in the location the rpm command is  
>>> run from???  That seems unfortunate.  Why is the rpm install even  
>>> creating these directories at all - it seems that those should be  
>>> created on VenuCelient launch if required.
>> They'll be created by _any_ AG toolkit application, not just the  
>> VenueClient. The deb & tgz installers (Debian, Slackware, Ubuntu)  
>> all run a toolkit application (the AG package management tool) as  
>> part of the installation preocess. I'm not really familiar with  
>> the RPM installer and it may have a different mechanism altogether  
>> to register shared apps that are included in the toolkit itself,  
>> so my theory could be way off track.
>> chris
>>>> To avoid this, instead of using sudo by itself when installing  
>>>> etc., use:
>>>>     sudo -H .....
>>>> which ensures that new entries in .AccessGrid3 are owned by the  
>>>> user running sudo rather than root.
>>> Great thx.  I'll definitely use that.
>>> Thanks everyone,
>>> Todd

Christoph Willing                        +617 3365 8350
QCIF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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